When I attempt to install the NIS 2012 upgrade (from 2011), it tells me System Mechanic 10.5 (running the latest version 10.5 including all product updates), is incompatible and I need to uninstall.
Is it safe to ignore this message and continue the install? What parts of SM10.5 would be incompatible???
If that error message is poping up you will not be able to install Norton untill you uninstall System Mechanic. I am going to look into this for you to see what the conflict is and if you can run both side by side.
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Looks like we soft block System Mechanic, which means you can install both products on the same machine. Although this is not supported and I cannot say with 100% certainty there wont be problems.
So there are NO issues running System Mechanic 10.5 Standard (no antivirus) and NIS 2012 together? Yeah? Can someone give us a reliable answer? The Symantec rep said he or she can't guarantee that they are compatible and that Symantec doesn't support its competitor's products (duh!). I'm going to ask the Iolo guys what's going on. This whole thing is stressing me out. I've got 5 computers with both NIS 2012 and System Mechanic Standard installed.
The defrag program in System Mechanic (Program Accelerator and Defrag) is not compatible with the Idle Optimizer in NIS. The two would work against one another. Idle Optimizer would undo the defrag done by System Mechanic and place files on your disc according to a very different set of operating rules and vice versa. So, if you have both installed only use the defrag program of one of them. This may be the reason it is flagged as not compatible.
Because I have never used Idle Optimizer, I forgot about this when I wrote my original post in this thread.
Thanks for the reply. I disabled Idle Optimizer (anything else I need to disable in NIS 2012?). Why are they putting a system optimizing tool in their Internet Security package anyway?
Hang on, Norton’s very own Norton Utilities 15 also has a defrag tool as well and a LIVE defrag mode… And it’s meant to be compatible with their Idle optimizer in NIS 2012. I dont get it.
I don't want any optimizing functionality in software I only bought for security. It is functionality that (to me) is not logically related to the main functionality, and therefore a kind of virus.
I'm a quite pleased user of NIS for a lot of years and have very good memories of System Works (in the old days). Please cherish the good name of Norton!
engo9017 wrote: Hang on, Norton's very own Norton Utilities 15 also has a defrag tool as well and a LIVE defrag mode... And it's meant to be compatible with their Idle optimizer in NIS 2012. I dont get it.
System Mechanic uses a "defrag" method that is totally unique. While the details are proprietary and not disclosed, the concept is to place files that are used together next to one another. What Norton Utilities determines to be a non-fragmented contiguous file, System Mechanic might consider it to be misaligned and move it thereby fragmenting the file under the tradtional definition.
My understanding is that NU uses the Windows Defragmenter as does the Idle Optimizer in NIS. At least this is true for NU 14.5 which is what I am using. My "smart update" does not update to a version 15 -- I didn't know there was one.
Whatever, I suspect that the Live Mode you mention in NU 15 is the same thing as Idle Optimizer. If so, doubtful the Nortons would double the same work.
Could I add my cynical belief to this. Norton have already hinted that System Mechanic are a competitor and do some of the things that Norton do. So it in Norton's interest to ask you to remove sytem mechanic in a way that does not really matter if you decide not to. By not being specific about whether it is the pro or standard version they are justified in asking you to simply remove 'system mechanic'.
I have no problems with this, it is business, but I do have a problem in that others have hinted on in that new users will simply panic and remove std system mechanic, perhaps being only weeks into their yearly subcription.
For this reason it is reasonable to suggest to Norton that if there is no REAL reason to remove std sytem mechanic they should differentiate in the warning on installation of NIS2012 to make it clear only system mechanic PRO may conflict (if there is evidence this is true).
Simply saying we recommend removing system mechanic because we dont support it is pushing the boundries of fair play a bit.
This way noone will be out of pocket, after all the warning only appears because we have happily bought NIS along side System Mechanic :)
It may very well be that the disk optimizer isn't the only problem. During a live update today, both smart definitions and the whitelist failed to update. Both showed (by messages from Norton - Error: 8920, 223) that the problem was System Mechanic 10.5 (not the Pro version). I must also add that I've run Norton for quite awhile now alongside Diskkeeper Professional with no conflict at all. Under the terms discussed previously in this thread, it would seem to qualify as a "competing product" as would programs like Malwarebytes Antimalware and or SuperAntispyware.
Hmm... that gets me thinking... I guess I'll have to look at the EULA again to see how a "competing product" is defined, if it is at all. Clearly, there may be overlap, but the stated goals of the two programs seem to be different. While System Mechanic's focus is maintenance and optimization, Norton's is, as the name of the program indicates, primarily internet security. Whatever else may be said, other companies have been willing to put a little effort into peaceful coexistence, but I understand why this might be unfeasible what with proprietary code and business aims. I would hate to do without either of these terrific programs, especially since they were both, for me, a major investment. And the choice is not obvious as to which one I would dump....
I just finished chatting with an NIS Rep about this same problem and he said there is no problem with reinstalling the System Mechanic and running the two together. Now I'm wondering if he knows what he is talking about. I hate to lose my SM but I would rather have the NIS for security if there is going to be a conflict. I guess I will wait and see if the forum gets any more reports of conflicts prior to my reinstalling of SM 10.5
Back in September this year ....I also received the warning "flag" with reference to Iolo System Mechanic! Version 10.5.4 I have used System Mechanic since its early days and I too did not want to "bin " it !
With particular reference to those who may be wary of the possibility of conflict ...I can confirm that since September this year .......I have run my NIS 2012 alongside System Mechanic without the slightest trace of any isssues or conflict whatsoever !
I configured NIS by accessing the "Settings " options......then selected the "General " tab ....and finally disabled the "Idle time Optimizer " switch to " Off "
Then configured Iolo System Mechanic as detailed below !
We must all bear in mind ...that responsible companies such as Symantec and Iolo have a strong business ethic with regard to how their products perform in the marketplace ......Because of the wide and varying possibilities of potential conflicts being possible across this wide range of environments in which they can be installed ....I was pleased to see Symantec install routine had the option to warn me against this possible conflict...and I always "back up " before any possible coflict in any new softwre install routine anyway .
I chose to " skip" the option of uninstalling Iolo.......and on reboot the whole system was totally stable without any errors or conflicts apparent !
After test unning the numerous options that are available within System Mecanics list of tasks ...none have interfered with Norton in any way !
As you may have noticed on many software review pages...there are always many reports of new installs that "trashed my machine " ......."deleted all my files " etc; ...and then an equal number of reviews that are totally opposite and praise the the software with glowing comments !
That is the nature of this game ...no two systems are exactly the same ...therefore ...as in this case ...both Norton and Iolo have been sensible in their approach to a potential "glitch " .
If you are using System Mechanic Standard V10.5.4.....and you have a well maintained machine ...you should have no conflict between the two whatsoever ..Hope this helps