NIS 2013: How to increase trust level

My NIS 2013 is showing my trust level 68%, When I installed the program it was 83%. What does it mean & how can I increase my trust level?

Capture 3.PNG

As I mentioned during NIS 2013 Beta testing here:

(link to transient forum board)


...the Trust Level percentage that’s presented in this section of the NIS 2013 user interface is an unsubstantiated number that's meaningless to end-users.


Hopefully someone from the Norton Community can provide us with the formula that's behind this particular Trust Level percentage...

Hi elsewhere, you are right. As you can see in the picture... Norton Reputation Scan is showing that my trust level is 90.6%. But in the main screen it is showing 68%. I don't understand the cause of this mismatch. I hope someone will help us by describing these facts.

Capture 4.PNG

Hi maidul,


The mismatch you're seeing is because Norton reputation scan and Trust Level in the main UI, are using different filters so you will always find a mismatch. This is by design. Mine shows 98,6% and main trust level 75%.

Hope this helps.



Yes, I can understand that they are using different filters for that. But if they describe us how they compute that trust level, we can take steps to make our pc more trusted & secure by increasing our trust level. That will be so much helpful for customers.

My NIS 2013 is showing my trust level 68%, When I installed the program it was 83%. What does it mean & how can I increase my trust level?

Capture 3.PNG