NIS 2014 - The missing 'Context Menu' sometimes makes me a bit unsure

Up front, from another posting I learned that Norton dropped the context menu for 3rd party Explorer.

Just recently I switched from Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 to Norton Internet Security 2014.

One of the things I sometimes wish to do, usually after downloading a file, is to additionally run a virus check using the context menu.

Now maybe this is totally unnecessary, or
maybe NIS has scanned the file during the process of downloading,or
maybe it did immediately after downloading, or
maybe it will the moment an .exe file is being launched, or
maybe ... maybe ..
I don't know. I am no expert and actually I am not supposed to be one.

Anyway, to make sure everything is okay, I prefer to run a virus-check from the context menu.

It was there with Kaspersky but I do am missing it with Norton.

Sure, there maybe workarounds using sendto or using WIndows Explorer, but I do feel Norton should not have removed it in the first place.

I wanted to add my concern to the earlier posting titled "Norton Scan Context Menue Missing NIS2014", but could not anymore. Reason for this separate post.

Really hope Norton will re-consider their decision.



Hi thewul,


I always scan any files with NIS before installing it by right clicking on it and selecting NIS >Scan Now + Norton File Insight in the drop-down list.

Actually, I also check it with MBAM (Malwarebytes Anti-Malware) FREE version, after having updated it.


Hope that helps.



Which NIS-version are you using?

I donot have anything with Norton or NIS in my context menu...


thewul wrote:

Which NIS-version are you using?

I donot have anything with Norton or NIS in my context menu...


NIS (current version). But as far as I can remember, scanning a file as I said above has always been possible with previous versions too.

This screenshot shows what I mean - right clicking  on the icon of the saved file this drop-down list will appear (it goes without saying that my OS is not in English...):


1.12.14 File scan before install.PNG




Hi thewukl,


In addition to what Rainbow_2 has provided, in answer to your other "maybes" you can find more infomation on Download Intelligence by selecting the Question Mark.png on the following page.  Settings > Web > Download Intelligence.



thewul wrote:

Which NIS-version are you using?

I donot have anything with Norton or NIS in my context menu...


Hi Thewul,


Who's "3rd party" Windows file manager/explorer are you using?


Depending its options regarding extensibility it may be possible to implement your own context menu extensions using a little scripting to in turn do command line driven Norton invocations, but it would require that enough info about the operation target be passed to the script by the file manger application.  You might try contacting the 3rd party company about this.


Kind regards,



Let me guess, Total Commander?

Why should Norton spend time and resources trying to support a third party program?


I saw so many people complain to Norton when they dropped support for third party context menus but I don't understand why nobody will blame the responsible party.

Norton products add a option into the Windows content menu that works just fine, if a third party program like Total Commander cannot accurately or correctly reproduce the standard windows content menu then they are the ones at fault and they are the ones doing a disservice to there customers.


It would be like asking Norton to please fix iTunes.


I posted a work-around to make up for total commanders failure.

Just make a shortcut to navw32.exe in the "send to" folder. 





Anyone else here remember using Executive Systems (later Central Point) XTree for DOS & XTree Gold for Windows-3 and Windows-4?


Ah yes - Those were the days...  :smileywink:



<< Who's "3rd party" Windows file manager/explorer are you using?  >>


And we know that Avanquest's Powerdesk broke the context menu way back in N360 V3 days and had to issue a patch. I see they now have a new Powerdesk v9 out so maybe they broke it again. I gave up on it.


Up front: Many thanks to all!


Truly appreciate feedback.


In fact, I am using Directory Opus.

As said, I know.. there is a workaround (see the other thread) and also I know the context menu is available in Windows Explorer.


Was trying to explain why I like to have this context menu and hopefully with some support here developers may reconsider their decision and may roll it back into Norton.



Coincidentally I -just now- noticed a thread in Directory Opus forum:

actually with comments from Norton Support. They would investigate and revert.

(which I think they never did)



On the 2nd page a solution is provided within Opus, another workaround that is.


Anyway, thanks again.





It's good to see a company like that try to help, Total Commander could take a lesson from them.


Sadly, the workaround will need to be re-done after every engine update because the folder with the version number changes.

I would be the first to admit that is something that Norton really should rethink, it's caused a lot of problems with user created shortcuts.  I always felt that main program executables should stay in the same place, or perhaps they could at least add it as a system variable so you didn't need to use the full path.  (Cough Cough).


Very glad you got it working


The only way I can get “Scan Now” to appear is by highlighting two files. Right clicking and selecting Norton and clicking scan now.

It never use to be like that. I think maybe two or three years ago they removed the option in the context menu. I get that Norton scans the file when it’s downloaded but I like to double check. Especially when it’s a file I don’t use often.

Norton scans each file as you download it. Then as SGFC says you can right click the file under NIS, click scan now and it will do so.


What could be easier, if you want to individually check a file ?


The only issue I have is that I have to highlight two files with my mouse before “Scan Now” appears. If I right click one file it’ll just show “Norton Insight”. I wish Symantec would switch back to the old way.

It's always been like that.  It's also the same scan.

One file will come up as "Norton Insight Scan" multiple files or a folder comes up as "Scan Now"



DaveH wrote:

It's always been like that.

No it hasn't always been like that. Up until a few years ago I could right click one file and click Scan Now.

When I said it's "always been like that", I didn't mean since the creation of the universe.  Sorry for my exaggeration.


I think it changed in 2009.

DaveH wrote:

I think it changed in 2009.

Yeah around then. :robotwink: