NIS blocks forum web site

Never had this problem before but suddenly NIS blocks my access to a forum site. Have been going through the settings - what a hassle and unlogical compared to my old pctools.

Impossible to find how to unblock this forum or mark as safe. Why is there no direct link to un block in the history overview or in the details? Very unfriendly program.

Can sombody help me please?

Which forum are you refering to?

Are you getting some error message that Norton is blocking the forum site or is the site just not loading quickly?

Currently there are some issues with the Norton forum loading pages. Norton and Lithium are aware and are working on a solution. If the forum you are having trouble with is hosted by Lithium, it could be a similar issue.

I have a problem accessing the computeractive forums but this is not due to Norton but down to AdMuncher, CA have changed their security so I have to either turn off AM or visit the forum via another means. I’ve also read that this new security is also preventing other (non AM users) from accessing the forum.

There is also some reports of this forum suddenly requiring cookies to be enabled for the pages to load. This is a Lithium issue and maybe your other forum is hosted by Lithium with the same problem.

after contact with Norton, the dutch bmw forum  contains a virus  (mass injection web5) that hackers can use to get personal data. they are already working on the issue at the moment

Thanks for letting us know. Good to see Norton did what it is supposed to do.