running NIS - win 7 64 bit
with all the issues users are reporting with forced update to NIS ver 22.x, my issue seems to be unique, hopefully not !
i just ran a 'check for new version' - results page state that i have the latest version.
as we all know, NIS ver 22.x is the latest. (maybe not ??)
in fact, NIS 22.x was pushed to my win XP system when i turned it on, a day or two ago. SURPRISE, SURPRISE !!!
i quickly turned off the auto update setting on my other systems. i didn't want to auto update to a new version by surprise.
have i uncovered a 'BUG' in the NIS ver 21.x new version checker ??
has Norton backed off on NIS ver 22.x as a 'new version' or a forced update (auto update turned on) ??
will i need to MANUALLY download NIS ver 22.x ??
any advise would be appreciated