Hi Hogweard,
Welcome to Norton Community!
Suppose you have multiple logins for the same website, then Identity Safe will remember the login info with which you last logged in, and fill that login info when you visit the web page again. This is By-Design.
I suggest the following methods for accessing your stored logins easily.
Method 1:
Even after Identity Safe fills a web page with a particular login information, you can overwrite it by selecting 'Available Logins for this web page' option from the Identity Safe menu in toolbar.
1. Navigate to a web page for which you have multiple logins stored.
2. Observe that Identity Safe fills the lastly logged in info. [This is By-Design. This can be over-written by the following steps.]
3. You can now select 'Available Logins for this web page' option form Identity Safe toolbar menu and find the list of stored logins for that web site.
4. Select one from that list, and the selected login info gets filled in the web page now.
Method 2: [Autofill and Auto-Submit]
1. In the Identity Safe menu in Norton toolbar, you can find the list of stored logins.
2. If a page has more than one login info stored, then it will be listed as a sub menu.
3. Select the desired login for that particular web site from the sub menu.
4. Now you will be navigated to that web page and the login selected in previous step information will be auto-filled as well as auto-submitted. ie., You will be automatically signed in to that web site.
Also, as mentioned by SendOfJive, you can select 'Display my logins each time I visit a page with multiple logins' option. This will display the multiple logins that you have stored for the web page through a pop-up whenver you visit a site, from which you can select one.