Nis2008 keeps turning itself off

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

yeah that’s the thing, i’ve repeated this cycle 5 times now.

nis2008 keeps turning itself off.  i get a message saying that i've turned my antivirus/antispyware/firewall off, then when I open the protection center the NIS2008 tab has a big 'stop' sign through it, and says i need to reinstall.


this has happened about 5 times now...basically, once a week since i've had it.  everytime i reinstall, it seems fine for a week, then it just goes again.  frankly i'm pretty ticked off.  this is on vista 64, i had all sorts of problems with n360 v1.0, figured that if i went to nis2008 which was released long after vista, it'd be ok.  pretty stupid of me.

hi dnd - did you install 15.5? if not, here's the link.


the only other thing that i can think of for NIS turning itself completely is if you had a licensing problem. if that is the case, try this.




yep it’s a licensing problem.  but i’ve tried that tool and it always says that it is fine (even though clearly it is not). 

hey dnd - so there is a licensing problem but it's not resolved by the LMTS tool... try going through the Help and Support (upper right hand corner of main program UI) - it will take you to an agent if autofixit doesn't solve the problem.



yeah i’ve done that too.  the upshot of 2 hours of talking to an agent is that i have to reinstall…again.  i’m on my 5th reinstall in about 4 weeks.

So you have any other security software installed?


no, no other security software installed.  i used to have n360, and i upgraded to this thinking it would be better.  ha!  but i digress...


i'm actually posting again because i am stunned.  after a pain-free 6 weeks of operation, nis again went a bit flakey and decided it couldn't run auto-protect yesterday.  brought up a 'help and support' window on boot up, which i know from past experience is a sign that something is wrong.  i wish it'd tell you exactly what it is that is wrong!


anyway, after poking around in the settings (again, past experience tells me this is how you find out what is broken), i noticed that it had turned off auto-protect.  so i try to tick the box and click apply, and bang, HS window pops up again.  so now i know what is broken.  live update, reboot, and it's back and fine!  or so i thought...


log on again today (about 20 min ago), and i see a new screen from norton telling me that i have a licensing problem and i need to open the window and click 'fix now' to fix it.  familiar problem, but it never used to tell me there was a licensing problem.  i figure that symantec must be making some sort of progress!  anyway, clicking on fix now basically tells me i need to uninstall and reinstall again.  i get that old sinking feeling again...


i reboot in the hopes that it will sort itself such luck.  so i click on subscription info, tell it to 'check my subscription' and it errors out.  i try one more time because i'm stubborn, and it takes me to a webpage with some truly bizarre instructions.  i check the address to make sure i'm not being taken for a ride, then i figure 'wth' and try it anyway...and's fixed.


like i said, i'm stunned.  not just that for once it fixed itself without needing a reinstall, but also at the way in which it fixed itself!  has anybody else seen this?  i'm being a bit vague about the instructions to see if anybody else has had this experience!  :)

Message Edited by dnd on 07-28-2008 12:53 PM
Message Edited by dnd on 07-28-2008 12:54 PM

Hi dnd,


If you're now seeing subscription issues with NIS 2008, I would recommend contacting our Customer Support team to help troubleshoot the problem for you:

This would be the bets way to resolve this issue for your quickly. You can even start a chat session and have the technician troubleshoot the issue directly on your machine. Thanks!


I've suddenly run into a more benign version of this. Help & Support Window appears every time I boot up. It connects me to Symantec and gives me a report  "Module ID 3019 Error ID 3 Build Symantec". This tells me to run a quick test of serviceability then download some stuff, reboot and - voila    - I now get the instruction to use the remove tool and reinstall. I did this one time without it fixing the problem and I now just kill the pop-up window without it affecting anything. NIS 2008 still runs and all indications are that it is working normally. I've been running this programme since Feb 2008 and the problem is just 2 days old. I contacted the chat line and was told that it is "a known problem that Symantec is working on...". Now I wonder if the analyst thought that the problem was the ever present pop-up "You have turned your Norton anti-Virus off..." which also appears on boot and disappears just as quickly.

I haven't run into the subscription hassle and hope not to. I'd appreciate it if you remember what website contained the "truly bizarre instructions" in case they come in handy,



hi ronharr - what version are you on (Help & Support  / About in the following dialog)? if you are not on 15.5, try that first (instructions further up in this thread)... if on 15.5 already, what OS / SP?



Hi Mel,


I'm not on 15.5 ( NIS) and I'm not sure how to get it. I'll look at the thread. (Clinked the link, should have looked more keenly)OS is Vista Ultimate 32 bit SP1dual boot XP Pro SP3 (no problems with it).


Thanks for the suggestion I'll let you know how it goes,



Message Edited by ronharr on 08-08-2008 07:12 PM
P.S. Seems to have done the trick! No more Help & Support popping up! Thanks.
Message Edited by ronharr on 08-08-2008 08:38 PM

I am confused.  Are you really running NIS 2008 and not NIS 2009?  I ask this because with this new build of NIS 2009, I also noticed a lot of messages on this forum about NIS 2008 -- I swear I never saw any of these before.


Anyway, if you are using NIS 2008, what happens when you try to install NIS 2009?  What I installed version 106, it did a perfect uninstall of the previous version.  And apparently, version 110 did a near perfect uninstall of version 106.  I checked this with NSW 2008 and found only two artifacts left in the registry.


I hate to say this, but you seem to be describing a viral behavior I've seen before, one which I have seen clients unable to eliminate no matter what they did.  I would suggest if you have any time in which you can function, immediately create a new user, give him administrator rights and reboot.  This worked for two of my clients.  They used this safe island as a base to clean up their computer, deleted the original user completely, then re-created the original user.  On the other hand, I had one client whose infection was deeper than user level and would immediately infect any new user I created.  We decided to reformat and reinstall.


Good luck,


What  Tony said is absolutely right… The support guys will resolve it within 10 minutes and there is no need to reinstall the Norton product.

well amazingly norton has killed itself again.


and no, the support guys are useless.  after 2+ hours in chat with them their resolution is to reinstall again.  well thanks for wasting my time, that's always the bloody resolution.  reinstall your unreliable junk software.


i wish that i had made a note of the address with the bizarre instructions, because it worked and now i can't find it, and norton's automated help won't bring it up.  according to norton's help system, everything is fine and dandy even though everything is disabled.

Message Edited by dnd on 08-15-2008 02:36 PM

well, this is really pathetic. once again my only options are to reinstall again, or get a refund.


i don't understand what's so difficult about this, it's not like it's an uncommon problem. and yes, i work in software development and it's not that difficult, certainly after nearly a year i would have thought a solution would have been found by now.




[edit: please keep it courteous, as specified in our Participation Guidelines and Terms of Service. ]

Message Edited by Allen_K on 08-15-2008 09:04 PM
[sorry, just getting very frustrated]
Message Edited by dnd on 08-16-2008 06:12 AM
Message Edited by dnd on 08-16-2008 06:12 AM

Hi dnd,


I'm sorry to hear that the problem has resurfaced. I've sent you a PM.



Please download the Norton Removal Tool 

--> run this tool

Than reinstall v2008 again