NMS App Advisor Not Showing "Trust" Option

I have a subscribed version of NMS, vrrsion, on a SGS III. App Advisor is showing Navigon Australia (shown as a system app) as a Medium Risk, but does not have a “Trust” option. Hence, the warning is persistent on my notifications and when I start NMS. What can be done?

No problem. There is a lot to read here.

*did NOT see that post

Sorry, did see that post. Tried it & worked like a charm. Tks!

Did you try restarting your phone like Sadie did in the post above yours?

I also am getting a Medium Risk alert for system app Samsung Milk Music, but no "Trust" option to make the annoying alert go away. Help!

I also had NSM notify me of the Amazon Music app and it did not have the trust or uninstall options. I restarted my phone and they were there. I have a Samsung Galaxy S7.

I just installed Amazon Music on my HTC Desire 320 on Android 4.4.2 and NMS version and I do see the trust option in App Advisor.

app advisor amazon music.JPG

Was this ever Fixed.  I am getting similar for Amazon Music and there is not trust option for the system app.