I am 'playing' with Norton Security - the Backup features. This morning I tried backing up my email folder to a USB stick expecting the files to be there in an encrypted form and not accessible.
The encrypted files are there in a folder entitled N360_Backup but I also noticed another file called ARestore.exe. A bit of internet research tells me that this is a 'remote restore' .exe program that has been installed on the drive. I clicked on it and it allowed me to restore the encrypted files from the N360_Backup to a location on my hard drive. I assume that this could be done by anyone on to any computer if they had the stick.
If this is standard practice, is there any security on my USB stick if I back up my files and then lose the stick? If my files can just be opened on ANY computer by ANYONE using the Remote Restore then this is a route that I don't want to take.
If anyone can clarify the 'rules' around this I would be grateful.