I have been trying for some time now to get NOBU to work properly on my clients account.
NOBU is installed with success on 2 PC's.
PC no 1 has now finally backed up approx. 7Gb of data and is done without failing.
PC no 2 is stopped because of lack of space ?? I have purchased extra space so 50 GB is available. 7GB is used by PC no 1 - PC no 2 needs 25,1 GB.
PC no 1 is running WIndows 7 32 bit + Norton 360 with Backup disabled
PC no 2 is running Windows 7 32 bit + Norton 360 with BAckup disabled
The issue, I think, is the free space on our account that seems to decrease everytime I try a backup, even though the system currently reports that we have never backed up any files on PC no 2 (PC no1 reports 7 GB wich is correct).
Currently it shows we are using about 25 GB, but I am not able to see nor to purge any files from PC no 2..
(When PC no 2 calculates space to use for the backup the account says 25 GB used - needed space for backup on PC no 2 is 25,1 GB and then the backup stops)
You should have a private message from me confirming the quota issue has been resolved. Please let me know if you see otherwise or need any other assistance.
Please note when you purge contents they will get re-backed up again unless you de-select them going forward.
Thanx a bunch - it helped for a while but sadly I'm having same issue again (so I submitted a PM to You).
It worked fine after You did reset the quote, but it seems as if whenever we enable backup of MAIL (outlook 2007) it behaves oddly - I have counted the size of the files enabled for backup, locally, and it's about 10 Gb - NOBU shows > 20 GB and stops due to lack of space !!!
The good thing is though that the other PC that is on the same network is making backups perfectly on schedule and has been just fine almost since day one.
Pls reset my quote again - I have PM'ed You
(I have disabled 'MAIL' and will make backup otherwise for Outlook for the time being)
I've reset the quota again. We should arrange a time for a remote support session too so we can take a look at the issues directly. There is indeed something not right going on here but without directly seeing it diagnosing via the forums will prove inaccurate.
What I am wondering is where mail is stored and if there are any other applications accessing it. NOBU does support open file backups but there are some syncing applications that may still lock the PST file.
I have been trying for some time now to get NOBU to work properly on my clients account.
NOBU is installed with success on 2 PC's.
PC no 1 has now finally backed up approx. 7Gb of data and is done without failing.
PC no 2 is stopped because of lack of space ?? I have purchased extra space so 50 GB is available. 7GB is used by PC no 1 - PC no 2 needs 25,1 GB.
PC no 1 is running WIndows 7 32 bit + Norton 360 with Backup disabled
PC no 2 is running Windows 7 32 bit + Norton 360 with BAckup disabled
The issue, I think, is the free space on our account that seems to decrease everytime I try a backup, even though the system currently reports that we have never backed up any files on PC no 2 (PC no1 reports 7 GB wich is correct).
Currently it shows we are using about 25 GB, but I am not able to see nor to purge any files from PC no 2..
(When PC no 2 calculates space to use for the backup the account says 25 GB used - needed space for backup on PC no 2 is 25,1 GB and then the backup stops)