I have Norton 360 installed on my PC running Window XP. I tried to install it on a Laptop running Windows 7 and it comes up with message: Norton 360 not compatable with this version of Windows 7. Any ideas of what I am doing wrong?
I recently installed Windows7. Then reoaded Norton 360 V3(+).
When I update, I am advised that some updates failed to compete. I've made several attempts and have shut down a couple of times and, then, retried the process. No luck.
When the LiveUpdate fails, check the details(Summary) and let us know which updates failed to complete. If it is virus definitions, you can use the Intelligent updater for time being. You have to download and run the Intelligent Updater to update the virus definitions.
You have to download the executable file(.exe) according to your Norton product and run it. Let us know how it goes.
Just backed it up
Thanks for that
You might want to go straight to N360 V5 which has just been released rather than update later.
New N360 V5:
Click on the link that matches your version:
Norton 360 v5 Standard: http://www.norton.com/n360s_5/ << version with 2GB of online storage
Norton 360 v5 Premier: http://www.norton_com/n360p_5/ << version with 25GB of online storage
Make sure you get the right version since the keys are not interchangeable. SAVE the file where you can find it -- do not run it from the download site when Windows asks what you want to do.
You can download that file on any computer and transfer it to a thumbdrive to install on another.
When it asks you to activate it you can click on Renew and enter the key there.
I'm about to install Windows 7 on my PC(now running Vista) to take advantage of the 64 bit CPU
I run Norton 360(V4.3.0.5)
If I do a clean install of 7 and reinstall Norton, can I save my ID safe data and logins to reinstall them on Windows 7 version?
If so, what folder do I reinstall them in?
After I start my computer I keep getting a White Flag with red sheild and White cross in it from the Windows Action centre and it states that norton 360 antivirus is turned off. But when I open up Norton 360 its says all is protected and system is secure.
Which one do I beleive Windows action centre or Norton 360 ?? Please help
Running 360 ver 5- no problem on my PC. Want to use it on a laptop but get message that it is not compatable with Windows ver 7 when I try and install it. Question is why? Do I need different version for Windows 7?
Wareashderek that not what he ment he means is what norton 360 uesing plzs go too about and tell us if you are uesing norton 360 5.2.13 all so norton 360 v5 dos work in window 7 when you in stall it did you shut down start did you do all live updates in tell there was no more?
When N360 5.0 was released, it did not carry the Win 7 support. It was later patched up mid way when Win 7 got released. If you are trying to install any older version of N360 which do not support N360, then it would rather say incompatible. The setup file which you try to install on Win 7 will have the version number in it. Can you just paste the full setup exe name here?
Sorry for jumping in here, but wouldn't warsashderek be better off trying to download and insatll N 360 from here, rather than worrying about all the other information? This version should enable them to install N 360 and if more problems - we could go from there?
Adding to Yank's post it's now www.norton.com/n360s_6
yank wrote:Sorry for jumping in here, but wouldn't warsashderek be better off trying to download and insatll N 360 from here, rather than worrying about all the other information?
Suuuuuuure! Fiiiiiiine! Take the easy way out!
Since I installed Norton 360 version 5, Windows 7 is not working very well. It keeps having to restart
windows 7. Norton needs to get their stuff together or they will be losing customers.
jrfurg wrote:Since I installed Norton 360 version 5, Windows 7 is not working very well. It keeps having to restart
windows 7. Norton needs to get their stuff together or they will be losing customers.
V6 is the current version and available as a free upgrade. Just click on the word 'support' then 'check for new version' and follow the instructions.
Now, after you do that and have run live update until the program tells you that all updates have been downloaded and installed, tell us about your problems in as much detail as possible. Also, do you have any other security programs installed?
Looking forward to your response. Til then
Stay well and surf safe
All resolved by a nice fella from Norton support. Being a new user it was mainly finger trouble. Thanks to everyone who responded.
warsashderek wrote:All resolved by a nice fella from Norton support. Being a new user it was mainly finger trouble. Thanks to everyone who responded.
Thank you for reporting back. I'm very glad that all is well now. Would you please click on the 'accept as solution' button of the post that was the most helpful. This will let all know that the problem is solved and also locate the message that might help others with the same or a similar problem.
Stay well and surf safe
I have Norton 360 installed on my PC running Window XP. I tried to install it on a Laptop running Windows 7 and it comes up with message: Norton 360 not compatable with this version of Windows 7. Any ideas of what I am doing wrong?