Norton 360 Auto-Login to Norton Account

Following an upgrade (?) to Norton 360 v20.2, Norton 360 now automatically logs into my Norton Account at computer startup. This occurs on each of the three computers on which it is installed (it was a 3 PC version).  This is unacceptable. How do I stop this program behavior so that I have to manually login to my Norton account only when needed? I suspect this might be related to Norton online backup, which I also want to disable and only perform backups locally.  I could find no user setting related to this in 360.

Hi dm7ich,


The only 2 ways I remember being able to sign out of Norton Account is to close your Vault,  Click on Vault Closed, and select Log Out on the bottom of the Open Vault page.  The second way is clicking on the Manage widget n the main page of N 360 and then select Log out on the next page.


I am not positive, but you may nned to do that on each of your three systems in order for it not to sign in on reboot.


BTW, once you sign into Norton Account, it is programmed to remain logged in, even through a reboot.  There are folks who do not want to have to log into Norton Account prior to logging into their Online vault - they claim too many clicks & too much time, and too many passwrods to remember.


I do not know anything about the Norton Online Backup - so can;t help you three.

Thanks for the response, Yank.  That wasn't it, but you got me pointed in the right direction!  In the Norton 360 "console", if I click on Management on the right side of the Norton 360 console the Management console starts up.  Once in the Management console, there was an inconspicuous grayed out "logout" on the upper right.  Clicking that logged me out of the account and the logout persisted after a computer reboot.  Problem solved!

You are quite welcome - and I am glad you got it sorted.