Norton 360 Backup does not restore all files...please help!

Hey all-


Here's an interesting one....I backed up my files (pictures, videos, documents, etc...) with 360 v2.0. I formatted my computer, etc...and tried to restore the files (all of which had the little green tick next to them, indicating that they were backed up), and only about half of the files/folders are present.


It should be noted that while I was using 360, at one point I got the free offer thingy to upgrade to 3.0. I did it, and I had since ran the same backup set.


I have tried restoring with 360 v3.0, but when I click on "Choose backup set", nothing happens!! Computer doesn't hang, doesn't think, nothing. Can anyone clue me in as to what is wrong here??

OK everyone, post # 2.......


I have restored a portion of my files (as mentioned in my previous post) and I have several thousand photos, none of which will open!!


I click on the photo, and photo gallery opens, saying "Photo gallery can't open this picture or video. This file format is not supported, or you do not have the latest updates to photo gallery"


Yes it is supported.....they are ALL jpeg or jpg format, and yes, photo gallery is up to date. Have all my photos become corrupted, or did I do something wrong?


Any help here would be greatly appreciated.


P.S.- Some of these files were backed up with 360 v2.0, some with 3.0. If that makes a difference.....



I have asked the mods to merge your other post with this one, since it is the same problem, and having two posts on the same issue just gets confusing.


There is a difference between N360 v2 and N360 v3.  I have seen other users with the same problem.  I will see what information I can find to assist you.  Other users of N360 will also be able to provide some information.


Please be patient, though.  We are all volunteer users ourselves and time zones vary considerably.  Some answers take longer than others.

Thank you much!!! I will try to keep patient. I’m sure there are quite a few differences between 360 v2/3, but I’m thinking that the problem with the pictures not opening is probably from v2.0. Just a thought. I look forward to hearing from a few of the community members!!

This link provides some information



This one might be the most helpful



This one is not so helpful.  Did you back up to disc?

Thank you again.....I e-mailed Adam. Could that archive bit thing be causing the problem of everything not restoring??


And to answer your question, I backed up to external drive.

Hopefully Adam gets back to you, but I think I will request his services from the mods to make sure.  Since it is a user to user help forum, it is sometimes difficult to get hold of specific Symantec reps.


I don't run N360 so I have taken you about as far as I can go, but hopefully you hear from Adam soon.


I think the problem is that the encryption is different from one to the other, but I couldn't swear to that.

Message Edited by delphinium on 10-01-2009 02:59 PM

Well, I tried the ARestore utility, and I got the restored pictures to open.......but I am still missing many, many files. Are they still there, somewhere??? Or are they maybe lost forever?


Thanks again for all your help.....hope to get some more input!!!

Sorry for your trouble.  Could you tell me if you tried the steps in this post as it will fix the backup index?

I contacted my fellow guru, dbrisendine, who has come to the rescue again with this link, which may assist you.


Let's see how that goes.

Yes, I have used the arestore utility. However I am still missing several files.

Did you follow the instructions for a corrupt catalogue file that was included in that thread?

If you are referring to removing the two DB files, then yes I did, with no difference in the files that were able to be recovered. :smileysad:

Yes GWBancroft, I feel the same way.:smileysad:      You could try the suggestion embedded in my signature if you haven't already.


We will be waiting for the Symantec rep to sort this one out, I'm afraid.  I'm sorry for the inconvenience. There is a request for assistance in the works.

Well, if it is of any help, when I used the utility, and I looked at the heirarchy of the files to be restored, all of the files/folders that I’m missing aren’t even listed in the backed up file listing. Does that mean they are probably gone??

That I don’t know.  It might just be that the file extension is different and doesn’t show them.



Sorry for not responding sooner!  I have sent you a private message