Suddenly - within the past 5 days - Norton Firewall is turned off when I startup my laptop. When I open Firewall in Settings, the options are locked and I cannot activate the Reset or Turn On functions. No idea why this suddenly started - prior, Firewall was automatically enabled.
Oh ok
It says run the live update, but when i run it, it says " Norton LiveUpdate has successfully completed. Your Norton product now has the latest protection updates." and it doesn't show no beta :(? I have 73 days left of Norton subscription.
Most firewall products bombard the user with questions about what programs should be allowed to run or to access the internet. Norton 360 have application intelligence baked in, allowing it to make security decisions so that you don’t have to. The Firewall in Norton 360 intelligently makes security decisions for you—allowing you to use your computer without you needing to be a security expert. With Automatic Program Control, every program requesting network access is scanned via all available scanning technology carried by the Norton product (e.g. Behavioral Heuristic Scan, AntiVirus scan, etc.) before granting network access. A rule will be created if it passed all scan filters and Smart Firewall uses this rule as reference for granting permission for the program to access the Internet. So, there is no need for you to check each time whenever any program requires the Internet access when using the Norton 360.
The Norton 360's intelligent intrusion prevention technology adds an extra layer of security by looking inside the data coming into your PC and blocking suspicious traffic. Intrusion prevention technology examines the content of Internet traffic and detects online security breaches, which can hide in approved Internet connections. When an intrusion is detected, Norton program automatically triggers the appropriate action (block all Internet access, for example), depending on the threat.
Conclusion: Better to use the Firewall from Norton 360
Running LiveUpdate won't update your current Norton 360 3.5 version to Norton 360 4 Beta. You have to uninstall the current version, and then download/install Norton 360 V4 beta. The 73 days of subscription won't be added to the Beta product. The Beta program will be having separate subscription. I would suggest you to wait for the final release of Norton 360 Version 4, then install it.
Your 360v3 subscription will not work with 360v4beta. The same key will not work. It could not be updated through liveupdate. It uses a separate subscription system for temporary 14 days for beta testing. It has to be downloaded separately and cannot upgrade from 360v3. You will have to uninstall 360v3 and install 360v4beta. And this will be for testing only.
When 360v4 is finally released after testing then you can upgrade the 360v3 to 360v4 with your same subscription/key of 360v3.
Regarding the 73 days of subscription left, you can renew the same when about a week is left either by renewing online or whatever method you have originally bought 360v3. And then when you can upgrade to 360v4 when it is released. Even if 360v4 is released before your subscription is over you can upgrade but you will have to renew your subscription anyways at the end of 73 days of your subscription.
ohh, Ok thanks a lot guys!
Hey, i was wondering is it best to use Nortons "Smart Firewall" or use the default windows one? or should i enable both?
Thanks a lot for your time! ;)
[Also shall i get Norton V4 Beta, or does it have a lot of bugs :(?
If i do download it when i run live update it wont show up so shall i just download from the site and it will install it on top of my Norton current version right?
Product Name: Norton 360 Version:] this Symantec Article to know how the Firewall from Norton 360 protects the computer. Some more information is available in the following thread:
Hope this helps you to understand how safe you are with Norton 360. It is always better to keep going with the default settings.
trlbldr:Suddenly - within the past 5 days - Norton Firewall is turned off when I startup my laptop. When I open Firewall in Settings, the options are locked and I cannot activate the Reset or Turn On functions. No idea why this suddenly started - prior, Firewall was automatically enabled.
Please review:
Win key + I (lower or upper case eye)
Start > Settings > Accounts
Vernon MacDonald:I am reading about Signing in as Administrator?? When i start my Windows 19 i have to Enter a password to get on my Puter, is this the Admin Entry way?? I am the only user
- ‘Windows key + I’.
- Open the Accounts tab in the left pane.
- You’ll see an Administrator tag if the account has administrator rights.
I am reading about Signing in as Administrator?? When i start my Windows 19 i have to Enter a password to get on my Puter, is this the Admin Entry way?? I am the only user
Could you please try to reproduce this issue and upload the logs? I have sent you a private message with the steps. Thanks.
~ may be related:
Eric Athroll:
I also uninstalled Norton360 and then reinstalled it but it hasn't solved the problem but I do notice that in settings>Firewall everything is greyed out. It was fine after the reinstall but after closing down and later booting up again it is greyed out once more.
Do you think maybe a recent Windows Updates or Norton update/patch made your Norton 360 install wonkey.
Please confirm Windows Fast Startup is off - W10 [here] W11 [here].
Please run Norton LiveUpdate + machine Restart (not Shut down). Repeat.
fwiw ~
Norton LiveUpdate pushed a NGC Product Update hotfix patch on my machine, today.
Norton Security for Windows is now available!
For Norton technical issues please include details for faster assistance from our forum Gurus and contributors:
- This is a public community. Please DO NOT post any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as your email address, product key or phone number
- Norton product or service name and version
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- Steps to reproduce issue
I'm not a "Newbie" except to this Forum. I've used Norton for 20+ years. By the way, this website is...well, it is what it isn't.