Norton 360 for Android - Safe Web not recognizing dangerous websites

Dear Community!

I have an issue with N360 for Android and I need your help. I was recently trying Norton Safe Search website on my PC (Firefox, N360 installed, Safe Web browser extension enabled). One of the results happen to be marked as dangerous. When cliked - Safe Web successfully blocked it, which is good of course ;)

pc_norton1.pngpc_norton2.pngI was curious if N360 for Android will do the same and block the website. Unfortunately after clicking in the link on my smartphone, the website opened like any other. There was no difference between in N360 behaviour between URL marked as dangerous and safe one.

android_norton1.jpgandroid_norton2.jpgMy N360 for Android is set up correctly - all permisions are granted. The app shows that Firefox and Chrome are being protected (checked the URL in both). Is Safe Web in N360 for Android using different engine (database) that PC counterpart? Can I expect different results from the Safe Web protection (doesn't seem right, but I'm asking the question anyway wink)?

Here are some screenshots from the app itself. I double checked the settings, even reinstalled it and restarted the phone (Samsung, newest updates applied, no root and modifications to the system, etc.).


android_norton3.jpgAny help would be appreciated as I'm concerned about using N360 for protection in Android.

png_17297.png = Safe => Games

Hi Guys

Thank you for the feedback and reporting FP. I've noticed that N360 for Android is using different engine than Safe Web browser extension for Chrome

Actually it works the same as default antimalware protection in Norton Secure Browser. I've found another website that is marked as safe in N360 for Android and NSB but is showing it as dangerous. Maybe the antimalware in N360 for Android and NSB is anti-phishing oriented... I habe no idea. Both are passing WICAR test, so I think that Safe Web for Chrome uses more aggressive algorithm.

I wanted to post comment here but during the weekend i had issues with connection. There was a server error everytime I tried to save my comment ;) Anyway thank you for help!

The site is no longer blocked on Windows. But as bjm_ notes the Norton rating is still Caution. From the Full Report for this site....

Norton Rating

Websites rated "Caution" may have a small number of threats and annoyances, but are not considered dangerous enough to warrant a red "Warning". Proceed with caution.
The Norton rating is a result of NortonLifeLock's automated analysis system. Learn more.


fwiw related: Malwarebytes Browser Guard - Website Blocked: = Caution => Suspicious


Did you check for the Full report of the site in Windows? The information there could help determine what the danger is on that site. If it is something that only targets Windows systems, that might explain why you were not blocked on your Android device. 

Checking the URL on Virustotal, there are no other detections. So it could be a false positive detection by Norton. I have reported a possible  false positive indication here    The submission says to check the site again after 48 hours. Being the weekend it may take a little longer.