Norton 360 cannot be run on Mac

I use Norton 360 (and earlier versions) for years. Since a few months I got annoying messages from the firewall to ask for each application to access the internet. The "remember setting" did not work and these messages popped up every some minutes. So I wanted to reinstall N360.

When I try to run install from the norton website (logged in with my account and click on "install on this computer")  I download (and unzip) the file "Norton 360" (german version - means

When I try to run this file I get the message "The program Norton 360 connot open" (original message is in German so not sure if my translation here matches the english version exactly. However, install does not open (message pops up immediately after doubleclicking the file).

I downloaded and unzipped install several times so it was not a corrupt file. Btw I do not know why the extension is ".app"? Sounds kind of suspicious to me.

Then I tried the cleaning tool "RemoveNortonMacFiles.command". When I try to run it in terminal mode I get the message that the file is corrupt and cannot open. the message suggests to move it to the waste bin. Also here I downloaded and unzipped several versions - no change.

Now I have a Mac without Norton 360 because I removed it before running the cleaning tool :(

My configuration:

Mac Book Pro 16 (2019) Intel
Ventura 13.4.1

Any idea what the hell is going on? It seems like the files do not work for a Mac at all!?

I saw there are new versions of N360 available. How do I know what version I download? I would assume to get the latest version whenever I install from my account at the Norton website.

If this happens, many times it is the Download/install Norton that needs to be checked in:

> System Preference
> Privacy and security
> Full System Access
> Check download/install Norton
(if you cannot find it, press the + and find it in your downloads, add and check)

After installing make sure all Norton is checked in Full System Access:

Download/Install Norton
Norton 360
Norton Extensions
And any Symantec that is present

Hello Steve. First questions from me are, are you logged onto the computer with an admin account? I'm sure you are, just asking for clarity. Second, do you have an active Norton account with subscription and are you getting your Norton product download from within your Norton account?

Also, according to the Norton compatibility matrix, you should be installing Norton 360 version 8.8 or higher. If you are attempting to install an older version on Ventura 13.x that is most likely the issue.

Since you had suspect activity on the computer previously, I would install and run Malwarebytes to ensure nothing is going on that needs attention. You can get it at the link below. Make sure you have MBAM set NOT to load when your computer boots to avoid conflicts. Please post your progress so we can assist further if needed. 

For Mac: