Running Norton 360, latest version downloaded from the play store on my One Plus 5T which runs Android 10. The install all goes well, and for the first few hours everything is trouble free.
After a while opening the app gives me just a yellow screen with the Norton icon in the middle for a long while, eventually it goes to the home screen. However Liveupdate never runs - it stalls at 20%. If I goto the Android settings, enter Airplane mode and go back to normal WiFi it advances to 100% with a server connection error.
The same installation works on 3 other devices that I have - so the network is OK. I have tried reinstalling, clearing the cache etc - but always the same result.
I can run with logs enabled it that helps anyone analyse the situation
Thank you. Logs received.
Logs submitted via app interface as per request.
Please submit the debug logs again after updating N360 app to We have added few additional logging in hope of isolating the issue. This appears to be network/device specific. I will keep update here after our check.
If things are working on your other manufacturer's devices, it seems to be device specific, I would try posting to the Support for the device manufacturer.
Any ideas what my next steps could be to resolve the live update and VPN issue. As I said above, I have the latest hotfix applied.
Having paid good money for my license I would like to get it working.
Would another log help?
I hate to have to report this but after running with the hotfix for a couple of days, liveupdate still never runs and if invoked manually it sticks at 20%.
Also I notice that auto VPN does not kickin when I am connected to an insecure WiFi network.
I have applied the hotfix as suggested. I will update this thread in a few days to report on status.
Thank you for your response
We have a hotfix released for N360 Android app. Please update N360 app to and this should address the Live Update issue you have reported.
Please note, this hotfix is released in a phased manner so might not be available immediately.
The latest changes in the Norton code may have bumped up against the proprietary OS. We'll have to see what Norton comes up with.
Thank you again for your attention.
I have been using Norton on the OnePlus 5t ( and 4 other devices ) for the past 15 months without any issues. There have been no OS updates recently but I do notice that the Norton version being downloaded from the Play Store is - updated 15 August. Perhaps it is this latest version which has introduced the problem.
Do you remember any OS updates around the time you started seeing the issue with Norton? Or is this the first time you have installed Norton on this device? If not the first install, has 360 ever worked correctly on this device?
As it is only the one device with this issue, I go back to my suggestion above about an issue with the proprietary OS changes made by the manufacturer. This could be causing the issue you are seeing. If that is the issue, you will likely have to wait to see if the next update to 360 would resolve things. Sometimes there is nothing Norton can do to adapt to a manufacturer's proprietary changes without affecting all other devices.
I have escalated this thread, in case your logs are of any help.
False hopes. After about an hour my Norton 360 is locked again, this time on the initial yellow screen. I have cleared data and cache, cleared all Chrome save data, but nothing working.
When a liveupdate was attempted earlier, I did get a brief message about "connection to servers timing out". My connection is good, everything else works perfectly - there is a gremlin just affecting Norton.
Following advice about similar issues, I cleared all the Chrome browser files. For the past 24hours all seems well, so perhaps that was the issue.
Fingers crossed.
Thank you for the detailed instructions.
I have taken the following steps
- Cleared Norton 360 data, and then uninstalled
- Rebooted the Oneplus 5T phone
- Installed Norton 360 from the play store
- Turned off battery optimisation for Norton 360
- Opened Norton 360 and signed into my account
- Set AutoVPN, turned on real time protection and turned Norton 360 service on
- Set to scan apps, allowing display over other apps
- Set allow device location to always on
- Ran a full scan, all OK
- Activated dark web monitoring
- went to security ->settings , tried liveupdate which completed normally
- Waited about an hour, tried liveupdate again, this time stalled at 20% for a long time before telling me that liveupdate had failed.
I had logging enabled, and so have sent a log as per your instructions.
Thank you
Try another reinstall. This time, clear the app data for 360, uninstall the app and then restart the device. Then reinstall and test.
I did find some older threads where the changes made in the Oxygen OS versions of Android OS that caused strange behaviours in Norton's apps.
If that does not help, sending logs will be helpful. Open the 360 app and tap the three bars at the top left. Tap on Settings > General, and scroll down to the Logging section. Turn on Enable Debug Log. Then continue using your device until your issue happens again. After the issue has happened, go back to the Debug Log settings and then tap on Send Error Report with log files. In your submission please include "forum 'your username' " in the Case ID section of the report. Also include a link to this thread. You can turn off logging when you have sent the logs.
If you do send logs, please let me know and I'll notify my contacts to look for them.
Thank you for your thoyghts. I have turned battery optimisation off, and no VPN active. Still stalling at 20%.
The other devices are a mobile running Android 11, a Samsung tablet running Android 9.
It is behaving as if there is a firewall blocking access to the update server or the DNS being incorrectly resolved. On windows I would clear the DNS cache but do not know how to do that on android.
One thing to check. Look in Android Settings for any battery optimizations for your 360 app and turn them off and test.
Be sure the VPN is turned off and test for the LiveUpdate again.
What are the other devices you have with Norton working correctly? If my memory serves me correctly, there have been other One Plus users that have had issues with Norton 360. I'll see if I can find the older threads.