I have a 3 computer Norton 360 licence and have a persistent problem on one computer. LiveUpdate is not working. I have removed Norton 360 from this computer using the Norton_Removal_Tool and reinstalled it by downloading from myAccount several times. Immediately after the reinstallation LiveUpdate runs correctly. However, once the computer is shutdown and rebooted LiveUpdate fails to run correctly. I am using Version 6.0 on all computers. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Hi ,
How can I be sure that my norton product is up to date ?
And what is the update size in each live update ?
Sometimes liveupdate download for example 80 mb in each update per day .
Is there any number like Version Number for Update ?
Hello Snow17th
You can also check on this page to see the latest Antivirus and Intrusion Prevention Definitions that have come out. Just be sure to look at the correct listing.
I'm sorry to hear that. you can run download the updates manually and run it. You can download it from here . When you go that website , you need to click on Download definitions. It will take you to another page , where you need to click on 20120331-009-v5i32 this file name. It will allow you to download the file to your computer. Once it is downloaded run it and restart your computer. Let me know if you need any further help.
Thank you for your suggestion which I followed. Unfortunately it did not work. After rebooting the computer Norton 360 displayed the message PC Security at Risk. I ran Fix Now which appeared to successfully go through the process of checking for live updates, downloading and installing these. However, it then displayed the message Fix not complete. It appears LiveUpdate may in fact be working but somehow it is not registering that it has completed a LiveUpdate process. Any further suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Please check the date and time of your computer. If it is wrong please change it. Let me know it worked or not.
Well done - you were right about the time being incorrect. I corrected it and it seems to have done the trick. Really appreciate your prompt assistance. Thank you
Hi, Theo. Pulse Updates occur very frequently, so you're likely to find that message that you are fully up to date.
This link explains the procedure.
Pulse Updates check for definition updates every five minutes and downloads the streamed virus definitions. Pulse Updates provide the updates in between the full updates, which LiveUpdate downloads automatically every few hours. It protects you against the rapidly-changing environment of security threats without compromising your computer protection. Pulse Updates should always be turned on to get the latest updates.
I'm using Norton 360 for many years and all the times it works well. Now, I'm using version 21.1.018 in combination with a Dell desktop / Windows 8.1 and since a few days Norton will not update via Live update automatically. The problem is that sometimes after restarting computer, live update is running, but also sometimes he only tells me that everything is up to date. I downloaded already manually updates and that worked only once, but actually I realy don't know how to handle. Autofix found an item to repair, but also after 'repair' the message: no updates available..... Anybody with an good idea? Thanks from Theo, out of the Netherlands.