Until this morning, I was under the impression that I had a local vault. That is what I opted for when I upgraded to version 6 last year. Now seemingly, my local vault has been merged into an online vault. I only know this because I kept getting a nag telling me to log into my account. I didn't, I contact the support team. They insisted that I log into the account, which I did, and now they tell me that I no longer have a local vault. I can also see that N360 had started doing daily automatic back ups of my vault onto my hard drive, without telling me. What's that about? Why would I need daily backups of an online vault? What they heck are they playing at?
Is there a way to get my my local vault back?
I have deleted the vault because I simply don't want or need those details storing in the cloud.
I'm happy enough to ditch Symantec when the product is up for renewal in a couple of months if that feature is gone and I managed for years without a password manager, so it's no particular hardship.
Thanks for reading.
BTW. I can't believe they use captcha. It is ridiculously user-unfriendly IMO