Norton 360 not completing quick scan

Hi all

I’m getting a little bit frustrated now. I have norton 360 which I have recently renewed. I asked it to do a general quick scan. It took ages and still has not completed! I left the computer running for over a day for this ‘quick scan’ and it still did not complete it! It doesn’t get stick as such it does take ages to scan some files but then it goes off again slowly. For example it’s been running about 15 minutes and has only scanned 6,589 files.

I restarted the computer in safe mode and ran a full system scan. This took about the same time to scan 30,000 files!! It found 17 cookie or something risks which it it had felt with. Re started a d ran quick scan again. No did it again! Got so far then went slow mo. as I say it doesn’t get stuck it just tkes forever! As I am writin this now it’s on file 6,663 so you can see how utterly slow this ‘quick scan’ is taking. I have gone to the control panel uninstalled and reinstalled updated, shut down and restarted and it’s sti taking forever. It’s still on file 6,633. When I left the conputer overnight the other day it did get up to 9,000 odd but still hadn’t finished. I am not a computer expert by anymeans but I can find my way around a computer to ‘fix’ things. Any help much appreciated.


Hi all

I’m getting a little bit frustrated now. I have norton 360 which I have recently renewed. I asked it to do a general quick scan. It took ages and still has not completed! I left the computer running for over a day for this ‘quick scan’ and it still did not complete it! It doesn’t get stick as such it does take ages to scan some files but then it goes off again slowly. For example it’s been running about 15 minutes and has only scanned 6,589 files.

I restarted the computer in safe mode and ran a full system scan. This took about the same time to scan 30,000 files!! It found 17 cookie or something risks which it it had felt with. Re started a d ran quick scan again. No did it again! Got so far then went slow mo. as I say it doesn’t get stuck it just tkes forever! As I am writin this now it’s on file 6,663 so you can see how utterly slow this ‘quick scan’ is taking. I have gone to the control panel uninstalled and reinstalled updated, shut down and restarted and it’s sti taking forever. It’s still on file 6,633. When I left the conputer overnight the other day it did get up to 9,000 odd but still hadn’t finished. I am not a computer expert by anymeans but I can find my way around a computer to ‘fix’ things. Any help much appreciated.


It still says it is scanning item 6,633 but the name of the fe it is now scanning has changed. Update, it is now on 6,682. Pleas can someone help I am running out of ideas! I have googled this and have done some of their suggestions. I have just spent money on a years subscription to norton so I would like it to be working. I am running it on a Sony laptop with windows 7. It says there are no risks detected yet. Now on 6,727…so still moving through the files but at an incredibly slow pace.

Still scanning it’s only on 7,393. Seems stuck on checking for: SpywareQuake. Any help appreciated

Just as I replied it got unstuck! So it is moving through but very very slowly. It’s on 7,401 and has been runnin for hours!! Feel a bit silly replying to myself on this thread but trying to keep it updates so ta easier for anyone to help me, if anyone does

Try the information in this thread


Thanks very much for your reply. I tried as the thread suggested but it hasn’t made a difference :frowning: does anyone have any more ideas?


Hi Paperaeroplanes,


Since you are using N 360, just tomake sure you got the correct settings:


Settings > Antivirus > Scans and Risk Tab > Compressed File Scan > Off > Apply

Also you may wish to turn off Intelligent Skip Scanning


If you click on the  Question Mark.png in the top right hand corner, you can read about the Compressed File scan and the Intelligent Skip Scanning in order to assist you in understanding why I suggested turning them off.


Yes this is what I have done. I know the instructions on the other link were for the other Norton anti virus but I worked out the one for the 360 and have turned off the correct thing as you have described above and no joy

Paperaeroplanes wrote:

Yes this is what I have done. I know the instructions on the other link were for the other Norton anti virus but I worked out the one for the 360 and have turned off the correct thing as you have described above and no joy

Good and did you try it with Intelligent Skip Scanning also disabled?


Also another quick question, do you have any other security programs on the system that run in real time?  MBAM or SAS Pro (the free versions are fine).


Also please go to Performance,  Select Norton Tasks (Left hand side of graphs) and what does it say for Quick Scan?  Is it complete?  What was the last Date completed.  After noting that information, please clickon the Arrow in the Yellow box and let it run (if it will run).  Mine completed in 2 minutes 14 seconds. 


Please also look at the top graph in Performance, does it show any Quick Scans completeing recently?


Please post back with the responses to our questions.




Have you run LiveUpdate manually a few times, rebooting as necessary, until no updates are available?   Try clicking on Support - Get Support to run  Autofix to check your installation and fix what it finds.


Thank you for your replies. I have clicked on support already and it ran a scan an said that no errors were found. I also went onto the norton website on the help section and it suggested I ran the NPE scan which I have done - no errors were found. I’m about to find out the info to the questions in the previous post…


Yes I disabled that as well. I dont have any other anti viruses on here as the people in the shop just installed norton. I have had it a year now and updated to this version.

I have gone into the norton tasks. It’s quite interesting as it is the quick scan I am running that it is taking forever and as at as I know has never been completed. However in te tasks it says a quick scan was complete once on the4th of August this year. Would this be for when I set it in safe mode or has it done it somehow when I didn’t know? It said it took 5minutes 04 . Everytime I pause this quick Scan which I try not to te red box comes up and says at risk. It is still on the 7,000 or something file from when I posted last. It says full system scan has never been run. And has completed live updates.

I clicked on the yellow arrow next to quick scan an it says it is running. It the graphs for performance it says performance monitoring is disabled I try and turn the red bar across to on and it won’t let me. So no info can be seen in this graph.

Still running that scan from the yellow arrow. I will update you. Thank you again for your continued help.

I also have a box up called fix it. This is because the quick scan has not been completed at any time because it is taking forever. So I also have this fix it box open which is telling me quick scan is not complete.

The quick scan under norton tasks is still running and it’s been well over five minutes.



Has the quick scan you started running in Norton Tasks (clicking the Yellow Arrow) shown as completed yet?


Okay - I understand you have both Compressed File Scan and Intelligent Skip Scanning turned off.


In regards to the Quick Scan that is shown in the Norton Tasks > as having run on Aug 4th for 5:04, it should give you a clock time (AM or PM) that it was run - does that conincide with you Safe Mode attempt?


Somthing else you can look at, from main page > Tasks > Chercvk Security History, using the drop down arrow on the right isde of Recent History, select Scan Results.  You should be able to see all the scans that were completed.  Are there4 a bunch of Quick Scans listed?  How about Full System scans?


In regards to not having any graphs showing in Performance and being warned that your Performance Monitoring is turned off, please go Settings > Administrative Settings > Performance Monitoring nd move the slider to On and then click Apply.  This shold provide you with the graphs in Performance and you can check for Quick Scan being completed in the upper graph.


Please go into Control Panel > Programs & Features (Vista/Win 7) or Add/Remove Programs (XP) and verify that there are no other Security/Antivirus programs on your system.  If you are not sure what a program is (security or not) you can ask us.  If you do see programs that you know are security relatd - also tell us that and we'll assist you in removing them - if they could conflict with Norton.


Also you mentioned a Fix It Block: There should be a link for Details shown as part of it.  Please click it and lets us know what it says: Is that where you are  getting the Quick Scan has not completed from?  I guess you have clicked on the Fix It block already and all it does is start the quick scan.


We'll be awaiting your response!









Hello again :slight_smile:

Sorry for the delaye response inhave had a
Manic few days. Right this computer, under the yellow arrow the quick scan has still not finished it is processing .

I do believe that this Quick scan that shows as being conpleted in this section is from when the computer was in safe mode.

In the security history no tasks have ever been completed, no quick or full system only that it has detected things and blocked things like unauthorised acess blocked, and it keeps giving info that 'protecting your connection to a newly detected network on adaptor “teredo tunnelling pseudo - interface”.

With the graphs I went to performance monitoring and it is green and it is on but when I go to the graph it still says performance monitoring is disabled so I’m not sure what’s on there then?! How odd.

I have checked in the control panel and there is no other program’s anti virus etc.

The fix it box is currently doing a tune up and then it says quick scan status not fixed. When you click on this it opens up the quick scan again. The fix it box has come up because I paused/stopped the quick scan because it was taking forever and it doesn’t like me doing this.

Again thank you for your patience with me (!) and continued help and support.

Hi Paperaeroplanes,


Let's try a clean install and see if there is any improvement:


If you use Identity Safe for your Logins, please back it up (export) the data so it can be Restored (Imported) after you install a fresh copy of N 360.

Please remove the copy of N 360 you have installed, using the Control Panel uninstall via Add/Remove or Programs & Features.

Download and run the Norton Remvoal Tool once and reboot after it is completed. The NRT can be found here:

Download a fresh copy and install: (Standard Edition)

or (Premiere Edition)

Once installation is complete, open N 360 and manually Run LiveUpdate as many times as necessary for it to respond "no more updates available". If a reboot is requested, reboot and then continue to Run LiveUpdate until it responds "no more updates available" and then reboot one last time.

Once totally updated, don't forget to Restore/Import your ID Safe data.

Please keep us posted.



Yes I am unsure of my passwords so would like Borton to remember them all. I wasn’t sure what you meant when you said norton Identify safe but as I have come to uninstall the item it’s giving me two options the first implant to reinstall and the second remove all data. I know I need to remove all data but how can I save/export identify save and make sure I know all passwords for this before I remove it?

Thank you

Paperaeroplanes wrote:

Yes I am unsure of my passwords so would like Borton to remember them all. I wasn't sure what you meant when you said norton Identify safe but as I have come to uninstall the item it's giving me two options the first implant to reinstall and the second remove all data. I know I need to remove all data but how can I save/export identify save and make sure I know all passwords for this before I remove it?

Thank you

You need to backup your ID Safe Data prior to uninstalling.  You need to cancel o0ut of the ninstall it sunds like you have started and follow the instructions below in regards to Export.  Once you have the new program installed then you need to follow the Import instructions.

EXPORT Identity Safe Data


If you use Identity Safe, before you uninstall your N 360, you will want to go into Settings > Identity Protection > Log into Identity Safe by clicking on Configure (if not already logged-in)   Note: for NIS, Settings > Web > Identity Safe
You will be interested in the Export Data option - you can click on Configure and will be permitted to browse your system for a location to save the data to. You can create an Identity Safe BU folder in my Documents or on your desktop - but the choice of location is yours. Select a location you will remember.



IMPORT Identity Safe Data.


Once N360 (or NIS) is installed, go back to the Identity Protection Settings page (above) and Select Restore Data by clicking configure. If you set a password when you saved the data, enter that password, the location of where you saved the data and then click OK. Your Identity Safe data should be restored to what you had before you uninstalled Norton.