I had Norton 360 Premier Edition on my laptop and whenever I ran a Full System Scan it would remove things like tracking cookies; it would also then Tune-Up the computer and clean Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files, Internet Explorer Files, and MS Windows Temporary Files and would show how many of those files it cleaned. It would also correct any registry problems and show the results if there had been any.
I recently installed a new version of Norton 360 Premier Edition. I installed it from disk. I have set it to the same settings I had on the older version. I have the Heuristic Protection set to aggressive. I have the Tracking Cookies setting set to remove. I have the Scan Performance Profile set to full scan. However, when I run scans with the new version of Norton 360 Premier Edition, it never detects or removes tracking cookies. In fact each time I run it, it comes up with Total Security Risks Discovered - 0. Nor does it clean up Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files, Internet Explorer History Files, and MS Windows Temporary Files.
It also seems to run the scan exceptionally fast. Where it would take hours before, to complete a Full System Scan, now it sometimes takes less than 10 minutes. It says it has scanned about 2 million files but in that amount of time it does not seem possible based upon my previous use of Norton 360 over the past few years.
Why is it not detecting tracking cookies and deleting them; why is it not cleaning the IE history and IE temporary files, and why is it not cleaning the MS Windows temporary files?
How do I correct this?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
All the best,
Glenn B
I had Norton 360 Premier Edition on my laptop and whenever I ran a Full System Scan it would remove things like tracking cookies; it would also then Tune-Up the computer and clean Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files, Internet Explorer Files, and MS Windows Temporary Files and would show how many of those files it cleaned. It would also correct any registry problems and show the results if there had been any.
I recently installed a new version of Norton 360 Premier Edition. I installed it from disk. I have set it to the same settings I had on the older version. I have the Heuristic Protection set to aggressive. I have the Tracking Cookies setting set to remove. I have the Scan Performance Profile set to full scan. However, when I run scans with the new version of Norton 360 Premier Edition, it never detects or removes tracking cookies. In fact each time I run it, it comes up with Total Security Risks Discovered - 0. Nor does it clean up Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files, Internet Explorer History Files, and MS Windows Temporary Files.
It also seems to run the scan exceptionally fast. Where it would take hours before, to complete a Full System Scan, now it sometimes takes less than 10 minutes. It says it has scanned about 2 million files but in that amount of time it does not seem possible based upon my previous use of Norton 360 over the past few years.
Why is it not detecting tracking cookies and deleting them; why is it not cleaning the IE history and IE temporary files, and why is it not cleaning the MS Windows temporary files?
How do I correct this?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
All the best,
Glenn B
It sounds like you have the right settings. Try going back into settings for the Scan Performance Profile and setting it to Standard Trust. Also change your setting for the Cookies to Ask Me. Click OK and try a scan.
Then reset your settings the way they were and scan again to see if anything changes.
I tried what you suggested, it did not work, nothing changed. Norton 360 Premier edition is still not recognizing any threats or deleting them. Now these folks want $49.95 to correct their software deficency after I paid $75 for it - wow!
Sorry if this is an obvious questions, but as you installed from disc, have you run LiveUpdate manually a few times, rebooting as necessary, until no updates are available?
The cookies issue could be browser related. There were posts about a Firefox update changing the way the browser dealt with cookies.
Live Update has run several rtimes since the product was installed.
I am running Windows 7 Ultimate Version not Firefox.
I am going tpo try a reinstallation; if that does not work I wlil look to a new company for my security software since, it seems to me, Norton offers no help at all, for problems with their product, exccept guesswork from forum members.
glennbartley wrote:
I tried what you suggested, it did not work, nothing changed. Norton 360 Premier edition is still not recognizing any threats or deleting them. Now these folks want $49.95 to correct their software deficency after I paid $75 for it - wow!
I would hold off on the 'folks' that want money. That sounds like a company that offers support for Norton products. They are not affiliated with Norton.
For your reinstall of 360, you should start out using the Norton Removal and Reinstall Tool .
Download the Norton Removal and Reinstall Tool from here www.norton.com/nrnr
If you use Identity Safe, backup/export your data. Use the CSV format for compatibility.
Run the Norton Removal and Reinstall Tool.
Run LiveUpdate manually a few times, rebooting as necessary, until no updates are available.
Try to log into your Identity Safe. If you can, you are done. If not, Import your Identity Safe data.
I already downloaded the removal tool and reinstalled Norton 360 Premier. It did not help much. Several full system scans now done since reinstallation, and no risks found. By the way, this time I downloaded the Norton 360 Prmier from the Norton website instead of using the installation disk. So, still no cookies found during a scan and cookies are turned on in my browser as is cookie removal in Norton. In addition Norton still does not delete the browsing history. I have IE9 installed. This only all started to happen with my new versiion of Nortom 360 premier.
I have tried Norton's virtual assistant Nathan - what a joke.
I also have tried online chat. I have, in essence, been on hold over two hours, waiting for a Norton representative to join in the chat.
As for the folks asking for money, that would be the folks at Norton. They ask for $49.95 for an expert installation of a Norton product. Imagine that, you buy the product, install it, and if there is a problem, you can go to them, give them fifty bucks and they will do an expert install. Why? I should not be that difficult in the first place but it certainly must drive enough people nuts for them to offer an installation service for their own security products!
Then there is the $4.99 fix. Funny how the prices could be so far apart. They say you can get a one time fix at Norton Live services for only $4.99. I just don't see why they do not just give better support.
After a long wait, I fianlly got through to a Norton representative in support chat. She took control of my computer, looked at this and that, checked on this and that, then told me that I had all the correct boxes checked off. She ran a scan. Then she told me they want to keep the ticket open and they will call me tomorrow to see if Norton 360 PE has started recognizing and removing cookies, clearing my browser history and so on. My guess is that, since she did nothing to fix the problem, it is not suddenly going to get better after I get a good night's sleep. Oh well, hopefully someone will have found a solution by the time they call me and then they can let me know how to fix it.
glennbartley wrote:
As for the folks asking for money, that would be the folks at Norton. They ask for $49.95 for an expert installation of a Norton product. Imagine that, you buy the product, install it, and if there is a problem, you can go to them, give them fifty bucks and they will do an expert install. Why? I should not be that difficult in the first place but it certainly must drive enough people nuts for them to offer an installation service for their own security products!
Then there is the $4.99 fix. Funny how the prices could be so far apart. They say you can get a one time fix at Norton Live services for only $4.99. I just don't see why they do not just give better support.
Can you give the web site where this service is offered? It still does not sound like Norton. As far as I know, the removal service Norton offers is $99. That is why we try to help users here or direct them to more economical options (free).