I have recently moved from an intel Macbook to an M2 ARM chipset. I have installed the ARM Windows 11 version. Downloaded the downloader for Norton 360.
Install the software and I get "An error has occurred" message, nothing else. Attempted to install on several occasions, stops at same point every time. Click on support and there is nothing of use there.
Running the latest version of Parallels and Windows 11 for ARM chip.
Does Norton work on this or not. Searching the internet it says it does, but I cannot get it to install on Windows 11, under parallels.
Any help gratefully received.
Norton, come on support Macbooks with Windows and M2 ARM chipset.
Norton does not support any systems with ARM chipsets. This is not just a Mac issue.
Norton, come on support Macbooks with Windows and M2 ARM chipset.
Given up on getting anywhere with this. Norton subscription will not be renewed, as this is now my key machine.
Tried the link for Microsoft Support article on S mode. It did not work.
Thanks for assistance, but given up on Norton for this Windows instance as it just does not work, Come on Norton!!!!! Macbooks running Windows and M2 chipset is something that you are aware of.
See this post by @SoulAsylum https://community.norton.com/en/comment/8532190#comment-8532190
The ARM processors seem to only be supported if Windows is in S mode. If you have Windows in S Mode, you cannot install the regular Norton 360. You need to install Norton UWP app from the Windows store. See this Norton Product Announcement. https://community.norton.com/en/blogs/product-service-announcements/nort...
Here is a Microsoft Support article on S mode. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-10-and-windows-11-in...
Thank you for your reply. I downloaded the file and ran it. Asked twice if I wished to run the file, said yes both times. Then nothing happened. Thus still not got Norton 360 on my MacBook M2 Arm in Windows.
Anyone else with an idea? Otherwise I'll have to look elsewhere for protection. Trusted Norton for two decades, first every problem.
Try offline installer:-
This may help you in ongoing issue.