For the past two days I have attempted to perform an online backup and have encountered problems with Norton 360 each time. First, I received an error code 8702.536872940. I reported that to Norton Chat Support and was informed there was a problem with Norton's servers and I should attempt the backup 24 - 48 hours later.
This evening (11/08/2011) at 6_10 pm Arizona time, I received a phone call from Norton Support 800-745-6061 and was informed that the problem was resolved and the online backup could be performed now.
At approximately 10:27pm, I again attempted the backup. This time, I received the message of maintenance being performed on my online account and I should try the backup later. When I contacted Norton Chat support, I was told I should try the backup in 12-24 hours. There was no explanation why three hours earlier I was told to do the backup and now unable to complete the task.
I then called the 800 number and was informed that within the last hour an emergency backup was being performed by Norton's servers and the problems with the online backup would be resolved. I was also told that I should be able to complete the backup after 6:00 a.m. Arizona time on November 9.
After purchasing additional online storage on Monday, November 8 and still having the various problems, I have to question whether I really needed to purchase the additional storage or is this an ongoing problem with Norton's online backup system.
For the past two days I have attempted to perform an online backup and have encountered problems with Norton 360 each time. First, I received an error code 8702.536872940. I reported that to Norton Chat Support and was informed there was a problem with Norton's servers and I should attempt the backup 24 - 48 hours later.
This evening (11/08/2011) at 6_10 pm Arizona time, I received a phone call from Norton Support 800-745-6061 and was informed that the problem was resolved and the online backup could be performed now.
At approximately 10:27pm, I again attempted the backup. This time, I received the message of maintenance being performed on my online account and I should try the backup later. When I contacted Norton Chat support, I was told I should try the backup in 12-24 hours. There was no explanation why three hours earlier I was told to do the backup and now unable to complete the task.
I then called the 800 number and was informed that within the last hour an emergency backup was being performed by Norton's servers and the problems with the online backup would be resolved. I was also told that I should be able to complete the backup after 6:00 a.m. Arizona time on November 9.
After purchasing additional online storage on Monday, November 8 and still having the various problems, I have to question whether I really needed to purchase the additional storage or is this an ongoing problem with Norton's online backup system.
Well, this is day three of trying to perform a backup and I still am experiencing problems. The error code was the same as three days ago, 8702, 536872940.
Why is this an ongoing problem that hasn't been resolved in three days?
I am now in a holding stage with Norton Chat Support and fully expect to be told to try the backup in 24-48 hours, AGAIN.
We have used Norton products for many years, not 25 like you, but at least 10 years. I don't recall having this type of problem before.
The hard wired response is that it is due to a problem with the backup servers -we know that
It also that it's temporary - we are hoping
I did read that there were some problems and some maintenance issues that were being resolved. They involved both the backup servers and the another server set.
Given the magnitude of the problem I'm sure that there are several tech types sweating in the equipment rooms to get everything back on line and in order.
I agree this is a first for me as well. Not unexpected but very unwelcome. We have more people doing more things on the Internet each day and they do tend to get ahead of the hardware.
At one time a text interface and a modem tied to a telephone were 'high tech'. Lots of things have changed but some of those pieces of hardware are still in use.
As a backup for your backup solution you might consider an external hard drive. They are cost effective and you can take it with you when you leave the office. This can be anotheer version of an off site backup.
The error you're getting translates to a 2028 error which means there is a duplicate job such as a prior backup or restore. In order for a new request to be started any prior ones need to either finish or get cancelled server side.
On its own its highly probable when backup or restore jobs are attempted repeatedly. It's why its critical once you start a backup or restore to let it run its natural course unless you absolutely need to stop it.
Since the errors sound like they were coming up almost immediately from even the first attempt it may be related to a recent issue our engineering team corrected. Since we're talking about several hundred petabytes of data and hundreds of servers sometimes tracing specific issues down can take a little time. Think of it like taking a car to the mechanic and trying to track down a mystery clicking noise.
Here is the big if.. if this issue is still persisting as of now send me a private message containing your contact details, including your Norton account email address, and a link to this forum topic. I can then have a Tier 3 agent reach out to you for further diagnosis.