Should I always check with Norton Product Rules before trying to use a new updated version of previous used software?
I have just gone through hades the last few days. Firefox alerted me that there was a new version available so I downloaded it. My internet was useless for a few hours. Fortunately I had IE9 available and began using it. Though I hate ie with a passion. My thinking
if it was a virus then I should not be able to use any web browser to gain access to the web. But I also use usenet and it was working fine so I didn't think a virus was causing the problems.
FF was slow to load, it was slow to use any bookmark or saved tabs. It was near impossible to access my webmail. So I uninstalled/reinstalled FF31. twice. Still had problems. I found by reading that norton 360 may be blocking the software. I go to product rules and change it from auto to allow. Installed FF 31. and heaven to betsy she works. So why would Norton Block this version of FF browwser but never had block updates before?