I know, I should have been careful. I understand that now, however, I would like to restore the deleted registry items. The instructions said Norton would make a backup of the registry in case I needed to restore. I have looked everywhere and am unable to find the items that were removed (except they show up in the history - what was deleted). How can I restore these 290 items that show were removed? Can I somehow use the History itself as a way to restore? By the way, all it messed up was my Windows Help & Support Files. It is frustrating, but I can do without them, I guess .Klatu Barada Nicto. Help Please!
Please check your System Restore function to see if you can run a manual System Restore (it should allow you to choose what restore point you want to use). N360 makes a System Restore point before removing the Registry keys. Remember to turn OFF (Disable) N360's Auto Protect function (you can right click the task tray icon [bottom right hand corner of desktop]); you can turn the setting back ON (Enable) when your system is finished with the restore process (usually after the rebooting).
Also disable Norton's tamper protection to prevent interference with the system restore.
Thank you for your quick reply. No, on "more details" it just shows each individual item that was deleted from the registry, but no tab or button to restore. Also, in my available restore points, there is not one from the date that Norton 360 Registry Cleaner was run and deleted the items. I just assumed there would be one. Nothing even close. I would have to reinstall some programs if I went any farther back, and there is no guarantee it would make my registry function properly. I think I have figured a way around the "failed navigation" to Windows Help & Support anyway. It is beginning to look more like Hewlitt Packard (HP) made an update when my 1 year warranty expired to corrupt my desktop shortcut/or path to Windows Help & Support. Unethical, but when looking closer at the items Norton 360 Registry Cleaner removed, they were all "Help" that were broken shortcuts, or invalid path, or no library, stuff like that. I'm thinking now, after a month of researching everthing I can think of, that it will cause more problems than it's worth to try and fix this now. Thanks anyway! I appreciate any and all ideas, but I think I have reached a dead end
Thank you so much for your reply! I did go to the restore function to look for the Norton 360 that should have been made before the Registry Cleaner deleted items. However, there was not one, not even close to the date. If I go farther back, I would have to reinstall some programs, a hassel. Also, if you notice my reply to the other helpful person, in looking more closely at the items deleted from the registry, they were broken shortcuts, invalid paths, etc. I am really starting to think an update I got from HP after my 1 year warranty expired took way my connection to these help files on purpose. I think if that is what happened, there is not much I can do. I will just go online to Microsoft Support when I need to look something up. Thank you for taking time to respond, I appreciate it! I am going to give up!
I know, I should have been careful. I understand that now, however, I would like to restore the deleted registry items. The instructions said Norton would make a backup of the registry in case I needed to restore. I have looked everywhere and am unable to find the items that were removed (except they show up in the history - what was deleted). How can I restore these 290 items that show were removed? Can I somehow use the History itself as a way to restore? By the way, all it messed up was my Windows Help & Support Files. It is frustrating, but I can do without them, I guess .Klatu Barada Nicto. Help Please!