Norton 360 V2 backup restores file dates wrong

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I just tested this myself and saw the same result.  This is not ideal, but it shouldn't cause any real issues for you.  I'm going to talk to the backup development team to see if this is by design or something that should be addressed in version 3 of Norton 360.




I know it doesn’t seem like a big problem but having the original dates does sometime help when searching for specific files. Now everything has the restore date.

adam_schepis wrote:



I just tested this myself and saw the same result.  This is not ideal, but it shouldn't cause any real issues for you.  I'm going to talk to the backup development team to see if this is by design or something that should be addressed in version 3 of Norton 360.





FWIW a more complex non-Norton dedicated backup program offers users the option to keep original dates or to change to date of restore.


Offered for information; not to knock Norton .... Heaven forbid! <g>

My hard drive broke a few weeks ago. Fortunately I had backed up my files with Norton 360 V2 on an external USB hard drive. After installing a new hard drive I tried to restore all my files from the external backup with Norton. All the files were restored, but all files had the date and time of the restoration as the created, modified and accessed dates, not the original dates. The original dates are correct in the backed up files, but seem to change when the files are restored.

I made some trials making backups and restores. Everything works fine when using the online-storage, but goes wrong when using any kind of hard disk (C: or external ones). I have Windows XP Home SP3. Anybody have any ideas or suggestions?

Absolutely – Sort by Date (modified … photo taken …) is one of my most used tools. I love the way VISTA has made the “Column bar” so powerful.

I can confirm that files backed up from hard disk and saved to hard disk, and then restored have modification dates as the date and time or restoration, but the creation date remains. This of course is based on the situation where the files exist in their original location and restoration is overwriting existing files.


When the restoration is restoring a file that NO longer exists, then I can confirm that both the modification and creation dates and times are that of the time & date of restoration.


This may be by design. Alas you will have to wait for a Norton employee to respond on this matter I think.


However, I can further advise that on two machines, the process of restoring, backup, and trying to add specific files to restore, resulted in both machines closing Norton's icon i.e. it crashed. This alone warrants further testing and investogation by Norton.




The backup in v2 is very different than in v3 and 4. To be honest I can remember back to v2 days.
Since v3 and 4 are free upgrades to registered versions you can always download and rebackup or use the trial versions to test to your satisfaction.



I upgraded to Norton 360 v4.0 and ran restore again.

It still gives restore date as the date for the original files, so I guess this is still a limiting feature of backup when using an external USB hard drive.

Also the Microsoft files I have restored using Norton 360 are not recognised by Microsoft programs. For example, when I try to open a word document, I get an error message:

Word cannot start the converter mswrd632

and it loads some File Conversion Dialogue box which renders the file unreadable.

Even the restored Favourites links do not work.

I just don't know how to successfully recover my existing Norton 360 v2 files, which I thought I had been safely backing up for the last two years!

Unless somebody out there knows how to overcome this, it looks like I am better off using Windows bulit in backup and restore software in future. I tested this from the same machine to the same external hard drive with a folder of new files and it works fine. 


I restored a third time by selecting file types individually rather than the full 36 GB and restoring from my USB external 1 TB hard drive.


This time all the files are able to be opened and used.


However, the dates are still the dates of recovery and not those of the original files which were backed up. I still find this to be less than I would expect from a leading backup solution like Norton 360 v4.


Any comments from those in the company or in the know would be appreciated.