Norton 360 v2 Restore Issue

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

I have had to rebuild my HP Pavilion PC due to a hard disc problem this weekend and now can't restore the 60GB or so of files that were backed up using Norton 360 v2.


The 2 separate episodes of Symantec remote support didn't resolve this issue but highlighted some important features of what needs to be known if you are hoping to restore the files to the original location. As an overview, this is a restore of a backup set to the same PC, but the PC hardisk has been reformatted so I didn't note the original (not rebuilt) full computer name, nor the PC nickname defined within the Norton/Symantec account settings. This may have been an oversight on my part, but now I am left without the backup set being able to be 'seen' when I try to start the restore process.


The Z:\ drive where the backup set is stored is online, and in fact if I wanted to start a new backup set it will 'see' the Z drive. However whatever I or the Symantec technicians have tried has got me to a working restore (yet). The first issue seems to be with the computer name, it can only be something like HP or HP_PC or something similar, but this combination of PC computer names has not allowed the Norton 360 software to recognise the legitimate backup set on the Z drive.


During the second technician remote control session the Norton 360 software was downgraded to v1 (no success) then upgraded to v2, without success (in fact, now that no backup set is visible I would suggest I am worse off than before he started!). Can someone within the tiers of support that Symantec help resolve this problem so that I can restore these files to my rebuilt PC? It is running XP home, SP2 on a HP Pavilion t775 PC, though I can supply more details should they be required.


My account details may hold the key, or it may be that some funky encryption workaround might need to be applied (if possible) to unlock the data within the backup. Any help greatly appreciated! I am based in the UK but am available most hours to get this issue resolved.



[edit: reformated for readbility.]

Message Edited by Allen_K on 09-08-2008 12:23 PM

This is a backup set that was being backed up from the PC hard disk to the Z: drive and seemed to be working prior to the reformat of the PC hard disk this weekend (I did a test restore a few weeks back to ensure all was well with the backup set).


However I have not heard of 'bupdate' nor thought it would be relevant in my situation if the Norton software continued to report the backup being ok up to the point when I reformatted the HDD and had been showing green ticks all over my file icons!


I agree that I am missing a not in the sentence you highlighted below, and now I am at my wits end trying to restore what looked lik a 'good' backup set to the PC I have just rebuilt. It never seemed to be important to the Norton backup documentation whether the PC computer name was the same (but that might be a feature of version 1 of the 360 software). The PC name issue was highlighted to me by a Symantec technician during the first of two remote control sessions this past weekend. The technician circled the full computer name when right clicking on My Computer with the mouse pointer during his control of my PC claiming without this info the backup was never going to work, hence the impression that this name or the PC nickname within Norton clearly DOES have a dependancy on the backup/restore process being successful.


The subsequent remote control session with the Symantec technician named {removed} was even less successful and I captured most of the correspondence to highlight the issue of leaving a user high and dry mid-call (the whole process was to get me from v1 to v2, something I could've and have achieved myself - the importance of having a technician available was for the element beyond the software installation stage and the recovery of the backup).


The text is pasted below and I make no apology for leaving the names intact as I thought it was a pretty shabby way to handle a customer's request for help, leaving the sesssion without so much as an explanation or offering of further help from one of his or her colleagues. All I now ask is that someone from Symantec offers to provide some advice or help on the best way of recovering these files, as the impression up until your reply (which I do appreciate) was that this backup was indeed recoverable.


[21:48] Connecting to Rescue Gateway:

[21:48] Connected to Rescue Gateway. A support representative will be with you shortly.

[21:50] Chat session established with A.

[21:51] Remote control ended.

[21:51] M says: hello

[21:52] Remote control started.

[21:58] A has sent a link:

[22:02] A  has sent a link:

[22:15] A is rebooting your computer...

[22:17] Connecting to Rescue Gateway:

[22:17] Connected to Rescue Gateway. A support representative will be with you shortly.

[22:17] Chat session established with A.

[22:17] Remote control started.

[22:20] A is rebooting your computer...

[22:22] Connecting to Rescue Gateway:

[22:22] Connected to Rescue Gateway. A support representative will be with you shortly.

[22:22] Chat session established with A.

[22:23] M says: Is N360 v2 about to be installed?

[22:23] Remote control started.

[22:25] M says: It says a more recent installer is available on your computer. Would you like to run the most recent version instead?

[22:27] M says: Installation options?

[22:30] M says: Shall we skip the scan?

[22:30] A says: no

[22:31] M says: ok

[22:32] A has stopped servicing requests. Please wait.

[22:32] Remote control ended.

[22:32] Rescue Gateway connection closed.


[22:32] Connecting to Rescue Gateway:

[22:32] Connected to Rescue Gateway. A support representative will be with you shortly.

[22:32] Chat session established with A.

[22:35] M says: Shall we try the restore then?

[22:36] M says: Looks like N360 v2 is installed.

[22:37] M says: Do you want to test whether the restore works?

[22:38] M  says: Attempting to test the restore and choosing location of backup file(s) shows me a blank screen

[22:39] M  says: Anant, are you stll there?

[22:40] M  says: The window showing 'Where do you want to restore files from?' comes up blank

[22:41] M says: Hello?

[22:41] A has ended the session.

You asked a question 'Is the online backup that of Symantec or another please?' however I am not sure what you mean by that. If you are asking whether the backup is within Symantec's online repository then that is incorrect, I have an external eSata drive where the backup set is stored. If the question related to whether it was a Symantec product that performed the backup, then I can confirm this is the case and that Norton 360 v2 was indeed the software used to perform the backup.
Message Edited by okie on 09-08-2008 01:41 PM
[edit: Chat agents identity removed to bring message into compliance with the Participation Guidelines and Terms of Service, also reformated message slightly for readability.]
Message Edited by Allen_K on 09-08-2008 04:28 PM

Budump (sorry my mistake brain failure) is a downloadable tool found on the links to Norton Removal Tool. Whilst Budump was not designed to save and restore when HDD are reformatted. I see no reason why it would not work. Basically, you run budump, save the resulting file off, reformat the hd, install operating system, copy across the budump file and reinstall Norton 360 v2.


However, that is rather academic at this point.


I have asked if a Symantec employee can take a look at this thread. Best I can do.

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The reference to BUDUMP may be more academic than you first thought in that what I have read about BUDUMP seems to only reference it’s usefulness if you have used the Norton online storage for your backup. As I used my own external hard drive I am not sure it would’ve helped (unless what I read about it here) is incorrect and it equally applies to keeping your settings intact if you weren’t using the online storage option

You got me, I am so sorry... and I wrote the Advisory Note on Uninstalling reinstalling. I said it there and forgot. You will just have to wait for the Symantec employee to help you here.



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Any indication when the Symantec employee may contact me to try to assist in recovery of my data?



I apologize for not getting you help earlier.  Can you please help me clarify the situation as I understand it from the thread?  You backed up data to an external drive with N360v2, but after a system crash, you're unable to get to that back up?  You installed N360 (v1 or v2) after the system crash?  Are you familiar with the "Restore from Other" flow?  Can you even browse to the external drive when attempting a restore?

Yes I backed up using Norton 360 v2to an external eSATA drive (Z:)  but after the crash I wasn’t able to restore from this location (which is still visible and accessible) using either v1 or v2 of Norton 360. Not sure what you mean by ‘restore from other’, can you elaborate? The options seem pretty limited as it can’t find the backup set when I try and get Norton to look for it, and previous attempts at ‘support’ from Symantec have suggested the Computer Name is the dependancy. From the various threads I have read it seems this is the biggest sticking point, in that if you can’t remember the computer name or it is a full rebuild then you can’t get the files back?

PM sent

... and replied to! Hopefully the crux is not the lack of visibility of the backup set on the Z:\ drive which is online, just Norton 360 fails to find it.

replied as well.

I cannot directly resolve your issue but it is possible to flag this for a Symantec employee. First,however, could we gain some small clarification.


You say this is a restore of a backup set to the same PC - by this I think you only mean to indicate that you are wishing to restore to the PC from whence the backup was taken and not that the backup set was saved to the same PC.


If you have reformatted the PC then the backup setup would have been lost. Pity you could perhaps have used bupdate to save the set before reformatting the hard disk.


Is the online backup that of Symantec or another please?


You say "However whatever I or the Symantec technicians have tried has got me to a working restore (yet)."

are you missing "not" i.e. "not got me to a working restore" or otherwise "However, nothing I nor the Symantec...."?


The downgrade to v1 was surely a big mistake. The backup technology is quite different between the two products and you simply cannot restore a v2 backup using Norton 360 v1, period.


Lastly, I am not clear where you are getting the PC name issue from. Are you saying for example that when Norton 360 v2 was loaded, and when you tried to restore it said something about missing or wrong PC name?