Norton 360 V24 slows down windows boot and startup time

II confess that I have already posted this in another topic, however Norton are not taking any notice so trying to catch their attention. Information as follows:

I am having the same issue with Norton 360 Premium.
On the previous version of Norton 360 my PC took around 10 seconds to become usable. After installing Norton 360 Premium when my previous version expired, the time to become usable went up to 41 seconds, and as the days went on it got increasingly worse, rising to almost 90 seconds! This is on Windows 11.

I decided a clean install wouldn’t be a bad idea so I reinstalled Windows 11 without keeping any of my apps. Then installed apps one-by-one and checked start-up time. Everything was OK (around 7 seconds to a usable system) until I installed Norton, then it took around 42 + seconds. Even then apps were taking a while to open.

After speaking to Norton Support they took over my machine and installed Norton again. This time he installed version (the one I had previously downloaded was V24.10.805.1 ).
The first time it rebooted it was still slow. Then we had a power cut (wouldn’t you know it). Now I’ve rebooted it seems to be back to normal.

So with Version V22 working fine my PC was sprinting along, then last night I got the latest V24 auto update and guess what, my PC is labouring again!!!

Norton MUST know about the problem, otherwise why did Support install V22 on my machine?
Been a customer of Norton for many years but now considering other options.

FIX THIS PROBLEM NORTON, don’t just keep rolling out a faulty version.


Same sort of thing here but not to your degree. Boot takes a good 15-20 seconds more to do, following a quick scan, all apps, browsers etc take the same sort of time to load. Edge does eventually load after same sort of time, even then Password manager will not open.Third attempt, more or less back to normal. history shows, on virtually every opening, that rules were automatically created, surely these only need creating ONCE. All apps etc loading slowly, after a good 15 minutes or so, most loading normally. Evidently. NOT yet ready for release, we are being used as guinea pigs to find the multitude of issues, that is not ON, just see postings in the Forum. Have not seen anything yet of anyone praising the update - they are all NEGATIVE responses.

Windows 10 here, while usual boot time would be really fast now it takes quite a while before even getting to my login screen and after loggin in everything loads up quite slowly going from used to be a few seconds to atleast almost 5 minutes.
Not sure what they messed up with the update but in task manager i am also seeing almost 10-12 different Norton applications running while in the previous one it was only like 3 or so.
Been with Norton for like 8 years so I hope they come out with a stable version soon because this is unacceptable as a paying customer.

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multiple Norton processes running is normal w v24

Does Norton LiveUpdate run?
Does Norton QuickScan run?
and you’ve run Norton LiveUpdate + Restart (not Shut down) machine x2?
and you’ve run one Full Scan?
and you tried Reset to Default & Repair Norton & v24 Norton Remover?

Reset to Default | Repair Norton

Windows Uninstall

Norton 360 v24 Remover

Note: Norton 360 v24 Remover does not work for v22

Does Norton LiveUpdate run? - Yes, it is on automatic and have done manually as well
Does Norton QuickScan run? - Yes it does
You’ve run Norton LiveUpdate + Restart machine x2? - Upon this question I have done so to try
it out.
You’ve run one Full Scan? - Yes. full scan, smart scan, startup scan, quick scan I have done them
You tried Reset to Default & Repair Norton & v24 Norton Remover?

  • Reset to default: Because of the mention I tried it out
  • Repair Norton: Because of the mention I tried it out
  • Norton remover: I have not done this yet, don’t see how this would help me since this would auto install the newest version of Norton again V24 upon reinstallation and not solve anything.

“multiple Norton processes running is normal w v24” I want to post 2 screenshots of them but it is not allowing me to add mediafiles or post links to the images.

Thank you for the very fast response and I appreciate the options you’ve given me to try and help resolve this issue.

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Hello @Manohar
Unless you feel v24 is too messed up…sometimes clean install solves “stuff”…just saying…and RnR is Norton support step one.

~ my initial v24 install was over-install pulled from my Norton account.
After playing with/testing v24 for a while.
I’ve run several Reset to Default & Repair Norton & Remove & Reinstall | Remove only | Reboot to Safe mode and Windows Uninstall.

my v24 feels better than v22. Just me.
as always your mileage may vary

Granted, v24 is missing some v22 stuff…so, I’m not v24 fanboy.

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Well if it has personally helped you I will go ahead and try the remove & reinstall and see what happens in the next few days. If i see improvement i’ll give a little bump and maybe others will get helped by it as well.
Thank you again :slight_smile:

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Well, I would have done playing/testing & clean install w one Full Scan regardless.
Yeah, eliminate user DIY…then either wait for Norton fix or move on…while waiting for Norton fix.

space address characters to break image links or use Preformatted text </>

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Please try copy Direct link: and paste (space characters after dot - before Reply to break link) with your message.

for example:

https: //i. postimg. cc/FRDnZ2Zr/png-20065. png

or try Preformatted text </>

I had the same issues with start time lagging considerably (I didn’t time it), plus e-mail filter was dead, and I was not sure my network was actually protected (Windows did not acknowledge some features). I tried digging though all the settings but too many old settings were gone, I did a complete unistall/reinstall of V24, nothing helped. The only fix was to use the old install files for V22, uninstall V24, do a registry clean (CCleaner) then reinstall. All works again, I am just dreading the time this is forced on us, I do not want to be a beta tester.


Hello @TAH56
We’d love your feedback! [here ]
Product Suggestions [here]

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It’s not clear to me whether you work for Norton or not, but you seem to think this requires a ‘suggestion’ to improve the situation. In my opinion this is a defect within V24 and should be fixed as a priority, and not simply raise a suggestion for future versions.

As an ex-software tester I’m very surprised that Norton has allowed the product to get this far down the line without identifying, and fixing the issue. Having used Norton products for my PCs longer than I care to remember, I’m very disappointed.

Hello @MrNick
Norton Community is user to user product help.
We’re all disappointed n’ wondering how v24 issues got this far.
We all wish Norton had an active public beta channel.
My experience with v24 has been as expected.
I’ve played with v24 setting numerous times and reinstalled v24 numerous times.
On my W10 daily rider & dust collector machines v24 functions/features/device protections feels different…albeit, feels solid.
v24 (2024) user comments remind me of v22 (2014) user comments.
v22 (2014) user comments remind me of v15 (2008) user comments.

Regards w Respect

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@bjm has expressed my exact feelings about many negative posts I have read within these forums concerning V24.

I too have had some issues with V24 but have been able to work thru them and expect Norton will address other issues even those that do not affect me.

I find V24 to be solid in what it does and I think change is what most grumble about not performance. My own feeling is that many issues people report are user error not software error.

And if I had some of the serious issues that have been reported in these forums I would certainly uninstall Norton and go elsewhere immediately. Why would I wait till my subscription expires and expose my system to threats?

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@xjoex With all due respect. I too agree with bjm. Reading your post, you are evidently one of the lucky few it would appear. The 24.xx release isn’t solid in any manner, and for the record. The issues being reported aren’t about not adjusting to change my friend. Couple change with missing functionality and feature removals, basically zero control over firewall functionality. And you then have a good idea of the scenario being played out. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I personally, am having serious issues with this release. 9 devices with issues to be factual and on two different versions of Windows. Constantly, having to remove and reinstall because of things like, out of the blue, I am told there is no subscription for that device. Even my account is screwed up. My subscription is for Norton Security Ultra yet, for no apparent reason its changed to Norton Security Ultra. Some devices on my subscription are even being put on Norton 360 Deluxe. There are even different serial numbers on my subscription. Simply put the installers for the 24.xx releases are not providing the correct versions and backend is getting trashed data.

FWIW!! This is not the first time this has occurred its the second. I’m doing my contacts with Norton in private for that reason and cannot post things regarding that here of course. Trust me.
24.xx isn’t ready for prime time in its current state, Norton is aware of it and fixes are coming for some of the issues. I guarantee not all of them.

@MrNick We Guru’s are not Norton employees, just another customer doing helpful support and donating our time to help across the community. Personally I love doing just that.

With respect!!

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I have notice Norton issues for a while. Sounds like V24. At the same time Microsoft has taken over my system to install new outlook. Hoping to resolve issues I now use my VPN at startup. Norton needs to check the ip ans slows things down. Norton also cannot backup with the VPN, I made a specific tunnel for Norton and Backup only works with VPN off. Between Microsoft shenanigans and Norton inability to back up using a VPN I am ready to another OS that works without inference. I am sick of the big Corps not doing what is needed and meddling where they are not wanted.

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I have been having the same problems, Only my PC is getting slower and slower to boot, and APPs and games are taking longer and longer to start. I have tried doing all sorts of tests and monitoring disk health with Crystal Disk etc, and according to the results, everything on my end should to be functioning. Unfortunately its not, and the performance of my PC seems to be getting worse and worse. Including “smart scan” which has gone from being a 10 second scan to a 5 minute scan.

A month ago I contacted customer support about the removed settings, and the constant “Blacklist” warnings for sites I know are safe, and the support staff (including the manager who I spoke to) had no idea how to enable settings or bypass firewall restrictions.

I’ve just tried re-installing the latest version ( V24.12.8365.0 ) and it still takes 3 times as long as normal to boot to the password screen. Apps take ages to load, and the PC is running slower than normal.
I’ve uninstalled it AGAIN and everything is back to normal. Not impressed with the Norton test team, if indeed there is one!