Norton 360 V4 PC start up time

Hi all,


I've just upgraded from V3 to V4 of Norton 360 and both PC's I have are taking much longer to start up than before. Is anyone else experiencing this..and is it normal?



What Windows OS and Service Pack (if any) do you use?

How did you removed the previous Noron 360 version?

And how slower starts up your machines?

I'm using Windows 7 and updated via the website via the link sent to me on email from Norton

and adds about an extra 45-60 seconds on to start up

I'm running Windows 7 64bit and it is slower to boot up.Doesn't seem to make any difference on a 32bit Vista machine

First, run Norton Insight Scan, LiveUpdate and then a Comprehensive Scan. Check and if the problem persists, try the following steps:

1. Download the installation file for the latest version of Norton 360 into your new computer- link provided here (Norton 360 v4 Standard or Norton 360 v4 Premier). Do not install it now.

2. Download and run the Norton Removal Tool to uninstall the current Norton 360. Run the tool multiple times(2-3 times) restarting the computer each time after you run it.

3. Install Norton 360 using the downloaded installation file.

4. Go to your Norton Account: and get the Product key of Norton 360, use it for activating Norton 360 V4. Let us know how it goes.

I had a simular problem and what fixed it was running the norton removal tool.  The process is listed at

Same problem here. Windows 7 64-bit, updated from V3.0 via link sent by Norton and now my laptop takes a good 30-45 seconds longer to boot.


I don't see why I should have to spend time messing around with removal tools when this should have been taken care of by the installation if it had been impemented properly. And if I use the removal tool, what happens to all my settings, backup sets, logins etc etc? I presume all that gets lost. Not very impressive.


I specifically went for 360 as it was sold as being less resource intensive on systems, which it appears to have been. Now it has doubled the time my laptop takes to boot, which is very frustrating.


So, is complete removal our only option here?





I assume the upgrade might not have went correctly so the best thing would be to uninstall and reinstall the product by following instructions by yogesh_mohan  .



Possibly but it's still annoying and my question regarding settings, backup sets, logins etc remains. I assume we lose all of that unless there is simple way to back everything up.


I received no error messages and no indication that the upgrade had not worked correctly. However my event logs show that it is indeed the Symantec Service that is delaying boot up and if I can delve back into the logs again to find the actual event message, I'll post it.