Norton 360 zoomed on 4k

The new Norton 360 becomes more zoomed in as the resolution is set anywhere above 1920 x 1080, when set at 4k norton is completely unusable.
The only fix that works for me is to lower the resolution. Any help is greatly appreciated.

I can ask them

That would be great, please and thank you.

But they problerly dont do it becurse the 24.1 is build to 4k and that is max 4-5 mounth away it is a new user interface and all that i can send picture if you wants

Truly thank you, but I’ll wait if it’s something that will likely be fixed in the near future.

yes here is the picture New Norton 360 app and more info
aboute the new 24.1 it is a nice update

I’ll have a look. Thanks again.

@globus5000 Version is a throttled release and may not even be released in its current form. It also has issues with several of its features. I don’t believe it will correct the 4k scaling/resolution issue the OP is seeing even it it were released. Norton isn’t expecting it to be a full release anytime soon therefore we should not either until something official is posted in an announcement.

The highest resolution on my machines that I can see the Norton UI without it being so small it cannot be read is 1920 x 1080. FWIW, I only run 4k when gaming on a separate video profile and revert back to the default 1920 x 1080 when I am doing everyday things. I would imagine that Norton isn’t supporting 4k at the present time but will tag an Admin asking the question then hopefully get an answer to post back here.


what do you gain gaming in 4k i cant see only it take more of the gpu i get hdr in 1920x1080 so what do i get

Globus5000. With 4k resolution which is usually 3840x2160 it packs 4 times the 1080p resolution so your benefit is “clarity and intense details”. Norton isn’t going to support 3840x2160 resolution for those reasons. You’d need to downscale to 1080 to get Norton to appear appropriately unfortunately. I haven’t had anyone respond to whether Norton does or does not officially support 4k resolution. When/if that happens I will post that info here.