Norton 360

I've have used Norton products for over 15 years.  I currently have purchased Norton 360 for this year, 2015!

However, I am NOT currently using Norton 360 or any other Norton product, eventhough I have already paid for it for this year, 2015.  Norton products are not what 'they used to be' . There product development seems to be lacking, and as a consequence they are now selling an inferior product.  I have WINDOWS 7, and installing the latest of Norton 360 did nothing but cause my pc to become dysfunctional. Fortunately, I have been known as the "PC guru" in my community, and because of my experience and technical abilities, I was able to rescue my PC.  But, I at the present time, there is no NORTON product re-installed on my PC. ( Eventhough I have already paid for the latest Norton 360. )  Dated: February 27, 2015