Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Thank you, Tony, for your message of 05/06/08. I did receive the first message from you giving me a link to Norton 360 free help and support. I did go there and the technician went in to check my computer. I saw she deleted two entries. I have not had any trouble since. Now my computer is very quiet and I don't feel like some mouse cursor go through my computer any more. I am very sorry that I did not reply to your message in after the trouble was solved.
What did you mean by "my cousin set up a "trust" in my computer?
Before the technician made some changes in my computer, I could feel like someone was checking my computer, even when I was not online. It happened so often that I became so annoyed and wrote a message in the word document format to tell him/her (in the note I said to "whoever it is") to stop getting into my computer and left that message open in my computer. One time I checked the note and found the word "ukn" in a small rectangular black box. I clicked on it but there was no link. I am very, very sure that the work "ukn" was not there before because that was a new message I wrote on that day. Usually the message only had a few words like, "Stop it, hacker, whoever you are" or similar and I used a very big font for the message. It was very scary to think that someone can come into your computer and know what you are doing.
Thank you gain, Tony and again very sorry for having not let you know that the problem was solved. Kathy
I'm glad our Customer Support Team was able to resolve the problems for you. I understand the frustration, the feeling that someone else is controlling your system.
As for your cousin, Norton 360 v2 allows users to create a network with other computers. Since this requires a bit of work with both computers, it's unlikely that your cousin set this up for both of your systems. He would have had to install Norton 360 v2 on both systems and setup Remote Monitoring for both systems with the same pass key. Does this sound like something he did?
Now I understand why he seemed upset when I told him I preferred NSW to Norton 360 and would uninstall 360 and install the NSW 2007 that I bought. He has 3 or 4 computers in his house and one hand-held computer (palm). He is using the Norton 360 on all of them.
Now understanding a little bit about computers I strongly believe he was the one who controlled my computer. Originally the internet service that I had was subscribed under his name because it was cheaper (the wholesale people got a big discount). I did pay him back and paid him more than he paid the internet company though.
However, gradually I could feel that someone was spying on me by some strange coincidences happening and by the noises like the mouse walking that I could hear. I could not unsubscribe the service myself and had to ask him to do that. I now have a different phone number of the same phone and internet company. There is only one phone company that serves my area.
Even with a new phone number and HSI service I still felt my computer being checked until after the Norton technician deleted a few entries in my computer.
Please tell me whether I should continue to use Norton 360, or should I use the NSW 2007. He did tell me several months ago (almost 2 years, I guess) that if I wanted to he could come into my computer by remote connection and then he would be able to see my screen like he physically sit in front of my computer. Thank you very much, Tony. Kathy
KathyW wrote:
...Please tell me whether I should continue to use Norton 360, or should I use the NSW 2007. He did tell me several months ago (almost 2 years, I guess) that if I wanted to he could come into my computer by remote connection and then he would be able to see my screen like he physically sit in front of my computer. Thank you very much, Tony. Kathy
Hi Kathy,
If he was able to connect with your system almost 2 years ago, he couldn't be accessing it through Norton 360 v2 (and you can't do that with Norton 360 anyway). Have you checked for any installed programs that might allow him to connect with your system? If you see a program that is unfamiliar, search the internet for information on the program to find out what it does. It may not be a malicious program, since many people remotely connect with machines for legitimate purposes. This would be a good place to start. Good luck!
I used to use Norton Systemworks because, in my opinion, it is easy to use. However, one of my cousins who is a computer hardware and software expert said that Norton 360 is much better and gave me as a gift a completely new copy of Norton 360 Ver 2. I did not like it very much because it was hard to use and did not have a few useful functions which clearly show in the NSW that I like. I told my cousin so and a few days ago when he was in the area he stopped by and helped me to update, clean junk files, etc. and showed me how to use it.
Last night, I opened the PC Security section in Norton 360 and checked to see whether I remembered all what he told me. When I opened the Manage Firewall then Network Locations section I saw the following message: You are currently connected to the following networks - and in the Description box, it says: The network whose gateway physical address is: [removed by admin].
I don't know whether this gateway physical address is the Norton 360 address or the address someone who wants to spy on my computer. Please help. If it is the address of someone else, please tell me how to get rid of it. It says the gateway physical address is Protected under the Security box.
My cousin got into my computer two or three times. Each time he is in the area, he comes to visit and checks to make sure my computer is okay. I don't want to talk bad about him but now I am wondering whether it is him who is spying on me. Very often I feel that someone is using the mouse to do something (like walking) in my computer. I might be wrong, but I had never had that kind of things before he got into my computer.
Please tell me how to check. I thinh he could have placed some spy files in my computer and the firewall in my computer did not block or react to it because it thought I was the one who put in the computer. I am the administrator and I do not use password to get into my computer or files. Many Many thanks. KathyW
Hi KathyW,
If you think you have some concerns about the security of your system, I would recommend that you contact our Customer Support team through the Norton 360 Help & Support, or here:
It might be that your cousin has setup a "trust" with your system, but the Customer Support Representative will be able to check that for you. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.