Detailed description:
Until recently I had a Norton add on toolbar in Outlook 365 which I could use to manage my spam emails. This toolboor is now gone. How can I get it back??
Product & version number:
Norton 360 platinum, latest version
OS details:
Windows 11
Version 24.9.9452.995 no longer has an antispam feature. Microsoft for Office Outlook used to have their own inbuilt feature but they removed that a good 10 years ago. Ultimately, no one can filter ant-spam now as there is so much of it about, not even Norton. Best Anti-Spam is yourself, have to always be on guard for any suspicious emails. My ISP webmail service provides a spam feature but very seldom does it pick up any thing, even then, it may not be spam.
Thank you for your response. I was just wondering if it was me.
A message from Norton on this disappearance would have been helpfull.
The new version DOES scan POP3 and IMAP4 connections. It does also scan attachments when using Outlook but not others. Still, anti-spam is needed with all the crimes involved with it. Maybe Norton should have made that a priority vice added another nuisance add-on.