Norton (and AVG) being blocked

Hi - totally frustrated and hope someone can help. Had major issues with laptop - 2 crashes, full recovery - can't even remember how many times at the beginning of the year. Things sorted out - new hard drive etc...current issue I'm having - laptop wasn't starting properly - took it in to tech guy as I noticed Norton wasnt even coming on or showing was like it totally disappeared except for icon on the desktop. Tech guy said he couldn't even "uninstall" Norton as it wasnt showing anywhere. After having my laptop all day - trying to scan for viruses - crashed 2x - Windows isn't updating (hasn't for a while) - downloaded AVG and gave it back to me temporarily. AVG is now a "phantom" again and isn't showing up in programs...wouldnt let me install it trying to install Avasti.


Am running - Windows 7, using MS Office 2010, Toshiba laptop...what else can I tell you?? Am about to drive over my laptop...can anyone give me any advice??? Tech guy said he was trying to search "under windows" to find a virus - said he removed several but said there are still more that have to be cleaned out.


Have been a loyal Norton user for several years - am totally frustrated...behind with my biz...and at wit's end!! Am happy to be paying for's not finding viruses...have even tried the Norton Power Eraser - which was totally useless...why am I paying again??? argh!!!