I recently installed NAV2009 on my Vista gaming computer. Yesterday I began to play CounterStrike:Source and started to get blue screens saying: "Attempt to reset the display driver and recover from timeout faileD". I called up dell tech support and in the physical memory dumps it was noticed that Symnatec was involved in some of the crashes. I tried to update my video driver to a non-dell one and rather one directly from the nVidia website. That did not work so I did a system restore to get to the previous driver. Once I did the system restore Norton was not acting right. It told me that I had disabled it and that my definitions were not up to date. I then recieved a blue screen upon attempting to restart my computer: "A device driver attempting to corrupt the system has been caught." I called Dell again and they reccomended a NAV uninstall in safemode and reinstall which I did. As soon as I restarted from the reinstall I got the same blue screen message. I restarted and now Norton no longer boots. I called Dell again and they had me play CS:S for a bit to see if it crashed without NAV running. I played about 10 minutes and had no problems(I usually crashed within 5). They then referred me to call Symnatec which I did.
Well, 1 hour 20 minutes later, I'm still listening to elevator music. I figured maybe someone here had an idea of what to do. If I cannot resolve the issue I guess I will need to remove Norton completely.
Any ideas?