Norton Antivirus & Firefox - Tracking Cookie Issue



I am currently using Firefox (3.0.12) and Norton Antivirus (


I have the firefox broweser set to clear private data every time I close it, which includes any browsing history and cookies.


However, when I run a full system scan, I still detect tracking cookies.


Now I understand that not all the tracking cookies are harmful, but I thought I set the browser to delete them, why are they still being detected.


Norton is not detecting any viruses on my computer, tracking cookies only, is it possible that I am getting them from something else?  I have steam/world of warcraft installed and they both have a start-up loader with a interface that display webpages (of their respective sites), I am thinking maybe I'm getting the cookies from that?  I also have Windows Live Messenger installed if that matters.


Any comments are strongly appreciated.

Good day k3roro,


just my 2 cents...


I'm running NIS and with NIS I have the option to view ~ Security History > "Resolved Security Risks" > More Details > Risk Details.   Risk Details under the Details Tab I find specific info about any Tracking Cookies NIS finds.   I've had NIS find Tracking Cookie while browsing and with System Scan.  


Does NAV have a way to view Security History?


Or, try a free app like CCleaner or Glary Utilities.

CCleaner will allow you to  Analyze/View any FF Cookies left after you close FF.  You may find Tracking Cookies like specificclick, adresolver or doubleclick.

Glary Utilities has a Tracks Eraser feature that's picks up what CCleaner misses and vice versa. 


You may use FF exclusively as your browser.  But, other programs run through Internet Explorer and you may pick up Tracking Cookies without even opening IE.  CCleaner will also Analyze/View IE Cookies.   Cookies deleted from your browser still leave Tracks.   Cookies can hide.  That's why Full System Scan detects them. NAV is doing it's job.


just my 2 cents...   








I am currently using Firefox (3.0.12) and Norton Antivirus (


I have the firefox broweser set to clear private data every time I close it, which includes any browsing history and cookies.


However, when I run a full system scan, I still detect tracking cookies.


Now I understand that not all the tracking cookies are harmful, but I thought I set the browser to delete them, why are they still being detected.


Norton is not detecting any viruses on my computer, tracking cookies only, is it possible that I am getting them from something else?  I have steam/world of warcraft installed and they both have a start-up loader with a interface that display webpages (of their respective sites), I am thinking maybe I'm getting the cookies from that?  I also have Windows Live Messenger installed if that matters.


Any comments are strongly appreciated.