Norton Antivirus install problem

After prevously uninstalling a prior version of expired NAV, I purchased Norton Antivirus 2011 online from the Norton store to download. Attempted 3 times to download and each time prompted "cannot find file".  Can this be caused by a missing installer? 


Meanwhile, am using AVG temporarily for protection.     

Hi rcsharon:


Try the download from here.


You will also need to completely remove AVG using their tool.







Hello resharon


Welcome to the Norton Community Forum


When you uninstalled the expired NAV, did you use add/remove and the Norton Removal Tool to thoroughly clean out the old version? Do you have any other real time security programs installed? Since you had an expired NAV on your computer, it is very possible that you got infected if you weren't using some other security product. When you go back to NAV 2011, you will have to remove AVG from add/remove as well as using their removal tool


After you have used the below files, please stay off the net until NAV asks for activation. Please save these to your desktop.


You can download the Norton Removal tool from

Please pick the proper Norton product that you want to remove. Also please be aware that it will remove all Norton products, so back up Identity Safe using the program to back that up. Also please have your product key handy.

Thank you Allen for new link


NAV 2011

You will need the AVG removal tool also.


If you have any other real time antivirus programs or programs like spybot with TeaTimer on, they should be disabled.


After the thorough removal of NAV and AVG, then you are ready to install NAV 2011


Run NAV 2011 and get back on the net when it wants to be activated.


If you are using Vista or Win 7, please run all these tools as run as admin and also NAV.


Please remember to run live update until all updates are received.


If you have any further problems, please come back and let us know. Thanks.


Thanks for your prompt reply.  A friend's computer running Vista is who I am supporting.  Since that person left this morning by plane on a trip and does not return until next Monday, I can wait until Tuesday to apply this download.  I am running XP on my computer so if I download and save to my computer, sending it via email there, will it not detect the Windows version until it is installed?  Or will it detect my windows version when saved to my computer? 

Thanks for your prompt reply.  A friend's computer running Vista is who I am supporting.  Since that person left this morning by plane on a trip and does not return until next Monday, I can wait until Tuesday to apply this download after also using the Norton Removal, etc. 

It won't make any difference to the download.  It can be downloaded to one machine, saved to a flash drive, and installed on a different machine, so emailing it shouldn't be a problem.  Due to the size, thogh, I would suggest just emailing the link rather than the download file.

Hello rcsharon


I don't think it will work sending NAV to someone by email. . You can't share the same key with your friend if he isn't in the same household as you are.


Is it your friend who has the old NAV on his computer or is it you who has this problem? Your friend would need to purchase his own product and download it and install it with his own key.

It is the friend's computer that I am supporting and I will use the Norton removal tool on their computer along with all other suggestions from this community source.  The friend did purchase the new product and I applied all steps in their name.   

Hello rcsharon


If you have any problems doing the actual install at your friends place next week, please come back and let us know. We can try to help further if necessary. Thanks.

I will get back to you next week if there are any more problems with this process.  I will include using the Norton Removal Tool to clear all remnance of the former product version.


I am impressed with the prompt responses received from the community and have organized the suggested resolutions in order to download and replace with the the new Norton Antivirus 2011 product.