Norton Backup ignores "Run only at idle time" setting

I have Backup set to run 3 days a week at 3:00AM and "Run only at idle time". At 3:00AM my system is normally in Sleep mode, so I can MAYBE understand why it does not run, but the fact it IGNORES "Run only at idle time" is really annoying. It starts the backup once it wakes from sleep, at which point it uses 40% of my CPU and 50% of my disk, and interferes with what I am trying to do. What can I do to fix this ?

Note: if someone knows how to make Win10 wake from sleep using Task Scheduler I will gladly do that. 


Since Norton isn't creating a task on a schedule, we can create one that suits the need. Use the linked article as a guide.

Here are some screenshots I made for you as an informational guide

Create a new action: Under program/script you have to locate the executable to start Norton 360 backup. 

You can set the time frame here in the Triggers tab, along with the frequency.

*Make sure you check the box "Wake the computer to run this task" in this tab.

And don't forget the settings. 

Save and reboot. Allow the laptop to idle into hibernate with the lid open and see if this solves the issue for you.






The setting SoulAsylum is pointing to is under the Conditions tab. Your image shows the General tab.


I don't see that entry in Task Scheduler under Norton 360. Too bad, as it looks like that might have worked. Interesting comment about the lid, did not think about that. 



The only other advice I can give it to open the Windows Task Manager and run as administrator when asked. Look for an entry as shown below. The screenshot is informational. Look for an entry in the top middle area labeled Norton backup and highlight it. Below in the middle area you should see a power setting with a small box to check named "Wake the computer to run this task". Check that box and save your work. Reboot the computer to make sure the settings go global on the system. Lets see if that gets you the results you need. I would make sure your lid is open if this is a laptop to ensure it wakes when the task is triggered.

norton taks scheduler wake to do backup.png


I have it set to sleep for power saving reasons. And as I said in the original post, I wouldn't mind Norton running after login, IF it honored "Run only at idle time". 

So I am going to try the following. I have backup scheduled 3 days a week between 3 - 4 AM. I am going to set my Plugged In Sleep timer to 1hr and use Task Scheduler to Wake-Up my system at 2:50AM. That way it will be running at 3:00 and backup should occur when I want it to. The sleep timer should put it back to sleep about 4:00.

What would really help here is a Norton provided entry in Task Scheduler to wake the system up and put it back to sleep when done. Actually, if someone can tell me how to manually run a particular Backup Set, I might be able to work it all out myself.

Thanks, Jack

Hello Alice. The solution here is to NOT have your computer sleep/hybernate over night. Since the computer is "sleeping", Norton will want to run the backup the next time a user has logged on. As a personal process, I press the Win-key + L and lock the desktop on my devices, allowing them to run until I log back in the next day. I DO, reboot at least once a week just to keep things nice and tidy. No issues noted with Norton.