Within the last hour, Norton has blocked access to AOL mail....I keep receiving a new page message that blocks access to my AOL account log-in page....is this something new or should I just ignore this issue and hope that it goes away?
I am running IE 9 and Windows 7 Home edition.
Thank you,
This is a copy of the message on the page that I am sent to when I try and log into my AOL accounts....
Malicious Web Site Blocked
You attempted to access:
This is a known malicious web site. It is recommended that you do NOT visit this site. The detailed report explains the security risks on this site. For your protection, this web site has been blocked. Visit Symantecto learn more about phishing and internet security.
The Norton rating is a result of Symantec's automated analysis system. Learn more. The opinions of our users are reflected separately in the community rating on the right.
General Info
Web Site Location United States of America
Norton Safe Web has analyzed mail.aol.com for safety and security problems. Below is a sample of the threats that were found.
Threat Report
Total threats found: 4
Threats found: 4 Here is a complete list: (for more information about a specific threat, click on the Threat Name below)
I use IE too and have had this problem have been able to get in via maxilla,but this is not good enough-I have used Norton and AOL for years-why is there now this problem? Can Norton or AOL explain?
I have reported you message (message 1) for the bad links which is against the forum rules.
Looks like someone used the AOL webmail / webspace on the server(s) for bad and as a result the whole "hxxp://mail.aol.com" address is blocked to some degree.
I remember this happened to Woosh some time ago with webmail as someone has used their account on the server for bad, so Norton blocked the woosh webmail.
The same thing is happening to me. Is Norton going to fix this? I got into my email by downloading and installing aol desktop but I want to do it the usual way. Please advise. Thank you.