Norton blocks media streaming

I have a major problem with Norton Internet Security that will stop me renewing my subscription when it expires in 23 days


Any device that has norton installed will not allow DLNA streaming to any device on my network.


I cannot stream media to my xbox 360

I cannot stream media to my android box

I cannot stream media to my mobile phone

I cannot stream media to my android tablet

I cannot stream media to my windows tablet



I have to fully uninstall norton before streaming to any of these devices. Just disabling norton doesn't work.


It's really annoying me having to fully uninstall norton every time I want to stream to my xbox 360 or any other device on my network.


Can someone please explain how to prevent norton from blocking streaming on my own network.


I get this problem on both Windows 7 and Windows 8 laptops


Seriously why does norton treat every device on my own network as a security threat and block them?


My computer cannot get a virus from my xbox 360 so why block it?


Hi Malacath,


Open Norton's Network Security Map.  Make sure the network trust level is set to "Shared" and that the trust level of the individual devices is also "Shared" or "Full Trust."

Thanks for the reply.


Already checked chat.


It makes no difference at all.


While my xbox can see the computer it seems to think that all my mp3's are copy protected.


Somehow Norton tricks my xbox into thinking all my mp3 files are copy protected even though mp3's don't support copy protection.


This happens on 2 computers.


One computer running windows 8.1 and the other running windows 7.


The xbox can't stream from either computer when Norton is installed.


I have currently has to uninstall Norton from both machines because the problem annoys me that much.