Norton bootable recovery tool frozen on

I installed norton bootable recovery tool

Trying to   fix GF's computer

It already found a couple of things. So I let it clean that and then I restarted WIndows. Windows still hangs. Even in safe-mode, I cannot access the system tool, IE nor malwarebytes. But I can run the calculator!! :O I figure whatever has infected it is keeping me from running certain programs.

So I re-ran norton bootable recovery tool

It found some other stuff.

Restarted windows.

Windows still hangs. It boots and I get to the desktop, but taking way too much time to do anything. Even then I cannot get into the config panel to try stuff.

So I re-ran norton bootable recovery tool

Now it seems like it is frozen on scanning "".


I can pause the NBRT and restart it, but it continues to hang on this same file.




Any inspiration?