Norton chat no longer any good

Norton services keep getting worse and worse. After 25 years I am ready to dump. They keep telling me to set up VPN, but it does not stay active, so what is the point. And trying to get through on a chat is pointless. The virtual assistant is useless and no one seems to have an answer.


I just tried the Chat and when filling in Name, etc, when I got to the topic of the chat I scrolled down to Other. Then when the robot chat agent came up it immediately asked if I wanted to speak to an agent.

Another tactic I have used on other robot chats is to just type in 'agent please'. That often brings the bot to ask if you want an agent.


Sorry, the mechanism to contact Support involves robotic responses.    

Support by Chat involves a ChatBot virtual agent.
You need to respond to ChatBot inquiries with any response.
ChatBot will .... after a few user responses .... offer to connect you with live agent.  

ChatBot Kate virtual agent was added some time back and Norton Support platform recently changed. 
You'll need to click through offered bullets and answer automated "can I help" or "what ever" and get to the automated saying.  "Something else" ->  "I'll transfer you to a specialist".  

Here's a few sample screenshots.