Norton Clean

The program works but it incorrectly recognizes the memory capacity. Sony xz premium, 64GB built-in memory, 64Gb SD card. internal app shows : 64build in, 18.77 GB used (29%). SD card total 63.83 , 2.10 Gb used. Norton shows : 128 total internal memory...85,9 GB used! That is 67% !!! Does not agree at all .... Any solution? Reinstalling the application does not help.

Same issue with my Samsung Note 8. I Have 64gb Internal & 256gb SD card. Clean identifies 128gb Internal, showing 76% used, 97.7gb of 128gb. Actual used is less than 50% of the 64gb. No External memory shown. Clean, Android 7.1.1

I heard from my Norton Contacts and they have duplicated the issue. I'll let you know when I hear anything about a fix.


Muchas gracias,"Peterweb". Por el momento,con su respuesta,al menos sí me queda claro qué tipo de memoria lee y me presenta Norton Clean. No así,qué suma es la que muestra tras cada uso... ni si eso supone un posible final de uso al completarla... Estaré atento a la posible respuesta... Gracias otra vez...

Hello to those present, and to all ... Despite what I read in the previous ones ... (that beyond announcing that it will be consulted ... and that has already been raised to those who could respond ... it does not add more response ' no solution whatsoever 'then ...) I use a' Sony Xperia XZ Premium ', with 64 GB of internal memory and one SD, now ... only 8 GB, and with Android 7.1.1 (' original '; updated to the only version offered so far ...) Installed Norton Clean, the reading of 'a busy memory' is presented, up to 128 GB ... which at the beginning I interpreted as the one that Norton Clean did of the one available in my terminal (not corresponding to the real one, showing also accumulated percentages after using the application "strangers" ...), which, now ... I doubt (without certainty ...) about it being a memory "in nuve "... offered by Norton for the use of the application. (...?) The percentages shown after a few days of use are ... crazy. Apart from that, and if so ... when exhausting the total of 'that space that shows Norton Clean' ... (128 GB), and the gigas disappear with each cleaning like water in the desert ... ( after about twenty uses, more than sixty percent consumed ...) the functionality of the application ends? Thank you ... (and more for the patience of reading my brevity ...)

The memory shown in Norton Clean is supposed to just be the internal device memory. I does not include any additional SD card memory. It looks like there may be a device specific issue to the Sony devices that is doubling the memory in the display. Some device manufacturers make proprietary changes to the Android operating system, that can affect other apps that get installed.

I have asked my contacts about this issue, but as the original post in this thread was on a Friday, and we spent most of that day asking questions, my contacts would not have seen my question until some time this morning. So either I will hear something, or an employee will post into this thread to ask more questions.

FWIW   The rest of the Norton Clean app still works correctly in that it does clean out junk files correctly. It is just the display of the memory that is not functioning correctly.



Se supone que la memoria que se muestra en Norton Clean es simplemente la memoria interna del dispositivo. No incluyo ninguna memoria de tarjeta SD adicional. Parece que puede haber un problema específico del dispositivo para los dispositivos Sony que está duplicando la memoria en la pantalla. Algunos fabricantes de dispositivos realizan cambios propios en el sistema operativo Android, que pueden afectar a otras aplicaciones que se instalan.

He preguntado a mis contactos sobre este tema, pero como la publicación original de este hilo fue un viernes, y pasamos la mayor parte de ese día haciendo preguntas, mis contactos no habrían visto mi pregunta hasta esta mañana. Entonces o escucharé algo, o un empleado publicará en este hilo para hacer más preguntas.

FWIW El resto de la aplicación Norton Clean todavía funciona correctamente, ya que limpia los archivos basura correctamente. Es solo la visualización de la memoria que no funciona correctamente.

Hola a los presentes,y a todos…

Pese a lo leído en los anteriores… ( que más allá de anunciar que se consultará… y que ya se ha elevado a quienes podrían responder… no añade más respuesta ‘ni solución alguna’ luego… )

Uso un ‘Sony Xperia XZ Premium’,con 64 GB de memoria interna y una SD,ahora… de solo 8 GB,y con Android 7.1.1 ( ‘original’ ; que hoy actualizado a la única versión ofrecida hasta el presente… )

Instalado Norton Clean,se presenta la lectura de ‘una memoria ocupada’,de hasta 128 GB… que al principio interpreté como la que hacía Norton Clean de la disponible en mi terminal ( no correspondiendo con la real ; mostrando además porcentajes acumulados tras el uso de la aplicación “extraños”… ),que,ahora ya… dudo ( sin certidumbre… ) acerca de que sea una memoria “en nuve”… ofrecida por Norton para el uso de la aplicación. ( ¿…? )

Los porcentajes que muestra tras unos días de uso son… una locura.

Aparte de eso,y si es así… ¿ al agotar el total de ‘ese espacio que muestra Norton Clean’… ( 128 GB ),y desaparecen los gigas con cada limpieza como el agua en el desierto… ( tras unos veinte usos,más del sesenta por ciento consumido… ) termina la funcionalidad de la aplicación ?.

Gracias… ( y más por la paciencia de leer mi brevedad… )

That seems to be the case. I will bring this to the attention of someone within Symantec/Norton for a product review.

Already done. See my post above. I have contacted my Norton Mobile contacts.


That seems to be the case. I will bring this to the attention of someone within Symantec/Norton for a product review.


Once more..

XZ Premium has 64GB internal storage ( 8.0 Oreo )

1.I unmount sdxc class U3 64GB Samsung Extreme, remove from device

2.Uninstal Norton Clean

3.Clean the memory with AVG for Xperia ( Premium version )

4.Restart device

5.Internal storage app shows 18,14Gb (28%) used / 64Gb

6. Now i instaling Norton trash files...clean...and

Next screen on Norton app shows....85,3Gb used ( 66% ) / confused, very confused

Norton double memory in my device, and wrongly recognized used memory ( when 64x2=128... 18,14used x 2 = 36,28 not 85,3 )

So...for me it's clear : Norton don't works correctly with 8.0 Oreo, or...XZ Premium.


All: FWIW, my Note 4 shows 32 gb internal storage ONLY as peterweb previously posted. Zero indication there is an SD card even installed looking into the Norton Clean app. If the OP has 128 gb internal storage as his screenshot shows AND his "system" settings are showing 64 gb SD card as being installed I am confused. Norton Clean will not even recognize the SD card since its encrypted and protected through the OS. Looks to me like things are as they should be from my end.


Before uninstalling the app, did you clear the app data, then reboot the device before reinstalling? Some information may have still been left behind from the previous install.

With Oreo being so new, it is possible that Norton has not caught up with it yet. It could also be a device specific issue. I'll pass this thread to my contacts and see what we hear.


Yess..but internal phone memory app works fine, shows fine value.

Only Norton no...

I try early today speek with Norton in Messenger one undestand me :) he ask me to join this forum...upst. No one more with this problem? Maybe only on Oreo....and my sd is Samsung extreme Pro, best one ;)

Here is an article which may help:

I would give support a chat on this one since it appears there is a serious bug in the Norton Clean program itself. Showing more storage than you have on the phone.


SD Card unmounted, Phone reinstaled ( card ejected from phone ) Norton still shows 128GB and 87,6 used !!!! SD is not in the phone :) :) :) 

App error....or lost compatibility with 8.0 Oreo....mehhh

Ok, i try

8.0 Oreo

tomaszmagdziak Unmount the SD card and reboot your device. Re-mount the SD card again and check for the values again.


On my HTC phone, I have 4GB internal and 16GB SD card. Only the 4GB internal memory is displayed in Norton Clean. I have the same Clean version as you.

What Android version do you have?