Norton constantly asking for full disk access

Over the last couple of days Norton 360 began constantly asking for full disk access for the Norton Extension.  I do not have the Norton Extension active on any of my browsers and do not want to have it active as it interferes with the native protections on the browsers that I use.  Using latest version on Sonoma.

How do I get this message to stop?

@Mike_R Have your updated to version 14.2? If so has the issue been resolved? As I posted earlier in the thread, this was an Apple issue with MAC OS and appears to now be resolved. Please let us know your status if you'd be so kind.


It's been more than a week and I have not noticed this anymore. So macOS Sonoma 14.2 fixed this issue. Thank you all.

Rbt, are you on version 14.2 as shellcoder posted corrected the issue?


Looks like this bug has been fixed in the latest version of macOS Sonoma 14.2. I have not noticed this issue till now.

Thank you for your lates post SoulAsylum.

Therefore, from what you (and others) can gather, Norton does seem to work correctly once one has given full disc access, as when you do, the dashboard goes from red back to green and instead of it saying last update Never it says last update x time ago.

What does concern me is that it says in the bottom right pop-up that the software also has to be activated. Does allowing full disc access re-activate the product because, as I understand it, an unactivated product is a non-working product.

@Swiss Info Please review my earlier post here:

This issue is multi-vendor, vice just being an issue seen with Norton. Keep in mind that no vendor can correct an issue if the OEM doesn't work with them in doing so. Apple has a long history of being a narcistic minded company. Much the same as Google and Microsoft. On the other end of the spectrum, have a look at the issues with iOS 17. No less than 7 fresh releases.

Apple releases thus far in 2023, what a mess:

Other OEM issues with disk access far back as 2022:




I've not seen this with malwarebytes but even the Apple teckies recommend installing malwarebytes. If Malwayrebytes included protection from other types of threat and offered a full scan, I'd get rid of Norton.

What is going on with this Norton Extension problem for MAC Sonoma, everyday same problem its been going on for months without a resolve, not a good expectation of product that states it will take care of all problems and yet the problem is never fixed! Sort it out Norton!

Thanks SA for your reply - bit technical for a " normal everyday user " but good to know that We are not imagining it !

Norton say its Apple, Apple say its Norton 

Customer , doing all the leg work , has still paid £65-00 for something that is " Faulty " only option they have is to " return and refund " 

I do appreciate all of the Forums help - so thank you one and all

but for me it's done

I don't have an answer regarding why there isn't someone Norton that would fairly regularly visit/monitor the MAC forums. We Gurus and other do our level best to find the answers as well as people at Norton to reach out to nevertheless. 


Thank you SoulAsylum. Looks like it's a bug in macOS and will most likely be fixed in 14.2 only. But at least the Norton team could have replied to this thread and mentioned about it. Why do they keep ignoring posts in their own forum?

All: Full Disk Access in Sonoma is a known MAC issue that has yet to be FULLY resolved according to this forums article:

Finding it hard to lay the blame of this on a single vendor where multiple vendors are seeing the same issue. This issue appears to be a policy reset in the OS after several reboots that is the main cause. 



Thats a Great Find !

very interesting and informative 


Well, fwiw ~ I thought [this] was an interesting read.


Caveat: I'm not Mac. 

Ive only had Total AV for a week, some say that the Mac don't need AV software , but I just felt safer with it. It not asked for the permission since I installed it

Hard to pin point with Norton - sometimes it was a day after , sometimes it was a month ( when you thought you had it sorted and it popped up again ) but you knew it was coming - confidence was low



I contacted Apple to see if they would help. They are saying the issue is most likely a Norton issue since it is a 3rd party software. I was advised to uninstall, then reinstall Norton. I read where someone has already done that with the same issue. IDK?

Any Third Party Applications that will interfere with the normal operation of the OS and is probably Directly related to this computer issue,  it is an invitation for disaster.

Third Party Security Software 

Any of the below should be removed as per Developers Instructions

This will included Norton Antivirus 

Read some of the posting and arrive at your own conclusions.

The The Built in Security is all that is required.

Posted on Jun 30, 2023 4:37 AM 

Apr 4, 2023 4:50 AM in response to Arunzzeeroyalz

Part 1 of 2

There are no known Windows-like Viruses in the wild that self replicate and affect macOS, because of the underling UNIX  Foundation and Permission Limitation. 

Additionally, in macOS 11 Big Sur, macOS 12 Monterey and macOS 13 Ventura. 

The Operating System resides in a Sealed and Read Only Volume that can not be opened by the User nor by Third Party Applications.

The only Entity that can open and modify or alter this Volume is Apple.

That would occur when a update or Upgrade is performed.

The Only thing this Antivirus software is protecting is the Bank Account of the Developers and for zero return to the User aside from the problems this software creates.

AntiVirus Developers purposefully Market their product to create a “ Fear Factor “. In so doing, creating a False Need for their Product.

Part 2 of 2

Any of the below should be removed as per Developers Instructions and or Never be using on macOS

2  - Third Party Security Software 

This will include BitDefender, Norton Antivirus, Sophos Av Software, Intego AntiVirus, McAfee, Avast AntiVirus, Ad Guard, Webroot , ESET , Avira , AVG AntiVirus,  avira antivirus, Trustee AntiVirus for Mac, F-Secure, Securemac, Cylance, Kaspersky Internet Security

Read some of the posting and arrive at your own conclusions. 


1) So far Total AV has only asked once ...(so far)

2) If Norton did fix the Issue - I would go back , although the apple forums there was not much love for Norton

1) Oh! Wow....that's Great!   
How long have you run Total AV?  Would Norton be asking again for full disc this time? 

2) So, users over on Apple forums advise not Norton? 

Geez, Total AV is once n' done...then why can't Norton be once n' done. 
Regards w Respect

So far Total AV has only asked once ...(so far)

and yeah I knew it would ask

There are add ones which cost ( they were included in Norton )

If Norton did fix the Issue - I would go back , although the apple forums there was not much love for Norton

Can't be arsed = I can't be bothered