Any Third Party Applications that will interfere with the normal operation of the OS and is probably Directly related to this computer issue, it is an invitation for disaster.
Third Party Security Software
Any of the below should be removed as per Developers Instructions
This will included Norton Antivirus
Read some of the posting and arrive at your own conclusions.
The The Built in Security is all that is required.
Posted on Jun 30, 2023 4:37 AM
Apr 4, 2023 4:50 AM in response to Arunzzeeroyalz
Part 1 of 2
There are no known Windows-like Viruses in the wild that self replicate and affect macOS, because of the underling UNIX Foundation and Permission Limitation.
Additionally, in macOS 11 Big Sur, macOS 12 Monterey and macOS 13 Ventura.
The Operating System resides in a Sealed and Read Only Volume that can not be opened by the User nor by Third Party Applications.
The only Entity that can open and modify or alter this Volume is Apple.
That would occur when a update or Upgrade is performed.
The Only thing this Antivirus software is protecting is the Bank Account of the Developers and for zero return to the User aside from the problems this software creates.
AntiVirus Developers purposefully Market their product to create a “ Fear Factor “. In so doing, creating a False Need for their Product.
Part 2 of 2
Any of the below should be removed as per Developers Instructions and or Never be using on macOS
2 - Third Party Security Software
This will include BitDefender, Norton Antivirus, Sophos Av Software, Intego AntiVirus, McAfee, Avast AntiVirus, Ad Guard, Webroot , ESET , Avira , AVG AntiVirus, avira antivirus, Trustee AntiVirus for Mac, F-Secure, Securemac, Cylance, Kaspersky Internet Security
Read some of the posting and arrive at your own conclusions.