Norton CPU spikes every 2 seconds causes Desktop icons to flash

Windows 10 Home fully updated.  Been running Norton for many years.  Sudden change overnight.

Desktop icons flash every 2 seconds

Task manager showed Norton's CPU usage jumped from 0% to 4 or 5% every 2 seconds which matched the icons flashing.

Open Norton to have a page of apps I have that Norton said it needed updates for (I had this function turned off) I excluded the apps and proceeded to complete the live update.  Got error message that igfxEM module needed to be closed to complete the update (never seen a screen like this before).  Stopped the module and got another error message to stop Host Processes for Windows Services, which I did.  After reboot Norton reports all up to date, BUT the problem still exists.

Tried the Diagnostic tool in Help which said it found a problem and fixed it....twice.

The problem continues and the flashing icons are driving me crazy.

I would appreciate any help.
