Norton CPU Usage

Would some one please explain to me how to read and understand the CPU usage that showing when I bring up the Norton window.


If the question you asked is related to the the CPU usage graph on the performance window(Filp Main Window) of NIS 2010, this tutorial would be helpful  -


I am asking the question  as to what I am seeing in the Norton window concerning performance and CPU usage

Thanks for the reply

And how do I interpret  this information?

The reason I am asking about this information is my laptop keeps kicking off and I am wondering if my CPU is overworking because I have to many programs behind the scene that are loading down my CPU

Did you have a look at the tutorial Thalir posted?

westsam wrote:

The reason I am asking about this information is my laptop keeps kicking off and I am wondering if my CPU is overworking because I have to many programs behind the scene that are loading down my CPU

Which Norton product are you using, please, and what version of Windows?


Overheating with laptops is a frequent cause of shutting down or rebooting if that is what you mean by "kicking off".


First question -- you are not using it on your lap or in bed are you? <g> Many laptops have air vents where they get covered when you use them that way!


If you have had the laptop for long then it may be time to make sure the airvents and the fan are clear and working properly. You may need to check with the laptop manufacturer about how best to do this, or if they have a support forum like this one then ask there.

Would some one please explain to me how to read and understand the CPU usage that showing when I bring up the Norton window.
