I used Norton Driver Updater for the first time and updated drivers as listed to completion. Now, I can no longer print to any device. I can't even print to PDF. For me, this is a serious problem and I need a solution. Thank you.
I used Norton Driver Updater for the first time and updated drivers as listed to completion. Now, I can no longer print to any device. I can't even print to PDF. For me, this is a serious problem and I need a solution. Thank you.
jas_north:I will be cancelling the free trial,
Please check your Norton account to manage licenses / subscriptions =>
for the Norton Driver Updater - Trial
Please check your Norton account to confirm ... automatic renewal is off ... and no billing information.
for example:
MY SUBSCRIPTIONS reports: Activate Subscription Renewal ... with automatic renewal off.
BILLING INFORMATION reports: There is no billing profile saved in your account...with no billing information.
Stop your Norton subscription from automatically renewing
and check for emails
So, it wasn't the firewall and it wasn't the spooler.
Plus, the attempts to use Driver Updater to revert the printer drivers back was a gong show. I kept getting a message something along the lines of: can't complete this task now, try again later. And when I did get it to do something by chance it kicked that printer up to the top of the list and labelled it an Unknown Device.
I have since uninstalled my primary printer and re-installed it using the driver/software package provided by the manufacturer and I can print again.
After all that wasted time and stress I regret using this product and do not recommend it. I will be cancelling the free trial, and will doubt and second guess every Norton product going forward.
Verify the print spooler service is working correctly:
Did you try Firewall Reset, as test:
Did you try temporary Disable Smart Firewall, as test:
Learn more about Network Settings
Learn more about Network Trust
Learn more about customizing Device Trust
Thank you everyone for your input and suggestions.
The issue appears more general and internal. It is not just one printer, it is three different printers using three different types of ports and they are all behaving in the same way. So I don't want to revert or restore anything just yet.
In the Control Panel I can watch the print jobs spool and "print", it shows the pages, the file size, the port, etc ... but the actual print job disappears into the ether, it misses that last step of producing the document. There is no error message, no red X, nothing. Along the way in the past few days, there have been many restarts, and I also used the Task Manager to reset the print spooler and checked that no old files were stuck in the folder.
Of note, the USB printer is a multi-functional device and I can use it to scan to my desktop without any problems, but then I can't turn around and print that same scan. Thru internet searches I was put onto the Firewall path and that perhaps Norton or Windows is now blocking the ports. When I run the recommended cmd prompt as the administrator and use the netsh firewall show state command it does not show that any ports are blocked, but on the other hand it shows "no ports are currently open on all network interfaces". And at this point I am out of my depth.
Looking for more advice. Hope these additional details provide more insight to someone.
Thank you again.
Have you restarted your computer since running Driver Updater? Be sure you are using the Restart command. Not Shutdown and startup again if you have Windows Fast Startup feature enabled. If you use Windows 8/8.1, 10 or 11, there can be an issue with the Windows Fast Startup feature.. See more information here.
fwiw ~
FAQ: Norton Driver Updater
[...]4. Is Norton Driver Updater safe for my Windows PC?
Norton Driver Updater downloads verified manufacturer's driver installers. Before updating the drivers, Norton Driver Updater backs up all existing drivers and creates a Windows system restore point.
Norton Driver Updater automatically tests the components during the scan and after an update. In case there are any problems with a newly updated driver, it marks the problematic driver with an Issue detected label. You can then revert the driver back to the previous version.
5. Can updating drivers cause any problems?
Updating drivers can cause problems in two scenarios:
You try to manually update a driver and end up with updating with the wrong update.
If the device manufacturer released a flawed update for the driver that introduces more problems than fixes, or has other unforeseen bugs and incompatibilities.
Norton Driver Updater helps you in both these instances. Our unique driver revert feature lets you quickly revert to a previous version of the driver.
8. How do I use Norton Driver Updater?
For instructions to update your drivers to the latest version, see Update your hardware drivers to the latest version with Norton Driver Updater.
For instructions to revert a driver to its previous version, see Restore your hardware driver to previous version.[...]
Caveat: I do not run Norton Driver Updater
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