Norton Driver Updater

Norton Driver Updater cause my sound, speaker and wireless connection to not work. Norton Driver Updater is a sort of a scam I think. When you do a scan test, at the end it supposedly scan all my drivers and every time it states that my laptop have 14-15 out-updated drivers and that it is critical. Just a few days ago I decided to try the norton drive updater. It updates some drivers then some it says error and states to update later when available. Once it finished, my sound, speakers, wireless connection all did not work. There were other issues as well. I could find no quick solution. I found out that Norton completely deleted the driver for my soundcard. Luckily I could restore my laptop before the Norton driver installation which fixed most of the issues. I straight away uninstalled and discontinued the use of Norton Driver Updater.

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remember you can always reinstall all you old driver so just reinstall the old driver and then all is ass it whas before the update remember ther is always a chance that this happen and that is why you can reinstall the old driver

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