For the past 2 or so days, I have been getting unusual results in my Google search results in Chrome. It doesn't happen when I try the same results in Firefox(no, I will NOT switch). When I type results, for a split second, the correct result will show up in the second result(that is where the odd result typically shows up, sometimes in the top) and then a spammy result will show up. In some cases, the entire URL and result is different from what was originally there, and sometimes the URL remains the same but the link goes somewhere else. Malwarebytes, Norton(full scan AND power eraser) fail to detect anything that I'd see as related to the issue. I am leaning towards a browser exploit or extremely well-hidden malware, but I am lost as to what I should do if 2 powerful programs and a program thats so powerful that legit applications are flagged, can't find it. Other than restarting my settings in Chrome or restoring my system to a later point, does anybody know what I should do next or even what is wrong?
(PS: As of right now, Norton Power Eraser has been in my tool bar but not responding for several minutes(since I did a restart to activate it)