Ok so the guys at norton have really gone to town with this new improved version of norton family. In fact this version is so advanced it blocks all internet.
I have a few questions:
1) Why did Norton mess with this software in the first place (never fix whats not broken)
2) Just what the hell is going on at Norton to have all these issues in such a short space of time
3) Have norton purposely set out to turn my kids laptops in to paper weights because thats all there good for at the moment as they cant go online, i cant disable the software or remove it.
4) Can someone from Norton please come out and tell us just whats going on and none of this regurgitated message about making some changes to the servers to ensure this doesnt happen again because us norton customers know this is utter crap.
I apologise for my ranting however Norton/ Symantec have really annoyed me and its so frustrating have two kids moaning cause they cant get on the internet for personal and educational reason.
As a paying customer of norton products I will never ever use this product again.